Course Catalog 2018-2019

Course Delivery Model

A seated course is offered face-to-face at regular meeting times. 

Any seated course may become web-enhanced through a supplementary course website. Faculty members are encouraged to web-enhance their courses. Moodle is the required platform. Faculty must contact RC Online to set up a course shell before the semester starts if they choose to use web enhancement in their courses.

Online courses at Rochester College have regular and substantive interaction between the instructor and students, adhering to the Department of Education’s definition for “Distance Education” and not “Correspondence.” An online course is 100%* online and may include synchronous and asynchronous learning. All online courses are offered through the Moodle platform.

A hybrid course meets in a seated classroom and includes a significant amount of online activity requiring both in-seat and online participation.

* The online Missional Leadership program requires students to participate in a one week seated seminar each semester.


Each section has, in addition to a 4-digit course number, a 4-5 digit section number that provides a variety of information. (Example: ENG 1113-ST01)

Character 1 - Course Delivery Mode

      W = Web
      H = Hybrid
  I = Independent Study
      S = Seated
X = Online and Independent Study

Character 2 - Program Type
      A = Accelerated Learning
      E = Early College
      G = GEO
      H = Honors
      M = Masters
      P = Professional Development
      T = Traditional     

Characters 3 & 4 - Section Number
     01, 02, 03, ...11, 12...etc

Character 5 - Course Length
     A = 8-week Session A
     B = 8-week Session B
     [Blank] = 16 week semester