
Fire and evacuation exits are identified in all buildings and are to be used in emergencies. In case of disaster or threat to the campus safety and security, the president or the senior college official present may cancel classes. The PHSC Alert will be utilized to contact students, staff and faculty via email, text message and phone calls. Students are reminded to update any changes in contact information through the PHSC PHSC Alert page. In addition, announcements regarding cancellation and reopening in emergency situations will be posted on the college web page and social media sites along with local radio and television stations.

Any emergency situation observed by a student should be reported immediately to local law enforcement by calling 911 and then the campus Emergency Response Line and report that you have called 911 and what has happened. The appropriate phone number for each campus is posted in prominent locations including all classrooms.

Emergency Response Line
Campus Number
East (352) 518-1320
North (352) 797-5018
Porter (813) 527-6904
Spring Hill (352) 340-4699
West (727) 816-3451