Catalog Updates

This catalog update page will display changes that are made to the catalog each applicable month following initial catalog publication. All of these changes have been made within the catalog and are highlighted on this page for quick reference. If you have any additional questions about the catalog, please contact the Information Center.

April 2016

Description of Update Additional Information Effective Term
New courses: AMS 2270, SLS 1101 April DBOT Approval 20171
Revised course: COP 2071 (Course title change, course description and prerequisite change) April DBOT Approval 20171
Revised course:  CET 1179,  (Course description change) April DBOT Approval 20171
Revised course:  CAP 2134 (Prerequisite Change) April DBOT Approval 20171
Revised course: NUR 3826, NUR 4945C (Revised course description, Credit and Lecture hours)  April DBOT Approval 20171
Revised Course: PHM 2304 (Course Number Changed) April DBOT Approval 20171
Revised course: CGS 2827CTS 1110 (Change prerequisite and course description) April DBOT Approval 20171
Revised course: NUR 2403L (Special and Other User Course Fees Change April DBOT Approval 20171
Revised course:  ENG 2670 (Course title change)    
Revised program: AS-FST (Added Any Area II Mathematics course, deleted MAC 1105) April DBOT Approval 20171
New programs: Fire Science Technology Certificate; Pneumatics, Hydraulics and Motors for Manufacturing Certificate April DBOT Approval 20171

May 2016

Description of Update Additional Information Effective Term
New Courses, Technical Credit(PMT 0070, PMT 0071, PMT 0072, PMT 0073, PMT 0074, PMT 0075, PMT 0076, PMT 0080, PMT 0081, PMT 0082, PMT 0083, PMT 0085, PMT 0086, PMT 0125, PMT 0132, PMT 0133, PMT 0141, PMT 0143, PMT 0150, PMT 0151, PMT 0161, PMT 0172, PMT 0174, PMT 0175 May DBOT Approval 20171
Revised Courses Credit: Course Objectives, FIN 3400, MAN 4900 May DBOT Approval 20171
Revised Courses Credit-Prerequisite changes: MGF 1106, MGF 1107, STA 2023 May DBOT Approval 20171
Revised Courses Credit: Course Number, College Credit Change:
PLA 1763
 May DBOT Approval 20171
Deletion Credit Course:  PLA 2401  May DBOT Approval  20173
Revised Courses (Technical): CJK 0065  May DBOT Approval  20163
 New Special/Lab Fees Technical: PMT 0070, PMT 0071, PMT 0072, PMT 0073, PMT 0074, PMT 0075, PMT 0076, PMT 0080, PMT 0081 PMT 0082, PMT 0083, PMT 0085, PMT 0086, PMT 0125, PMT 0132, PMT 0133, PMT 0141, PMT 0143, PMT 0150, PMT 0151, PMT 0161, PMT 0172, PMT 0174, PMT 0175
 May DBOT Approval  20171
Revised Special/Lab Fees: NUR 1021, NUR 1021L, NUR 1200, NUR 2261,Technical: CJK 0020, CJK 0031, CJK 0040, CJK 0051, CJK 0065, CJK 0087, CJK 0422,

PRN 0000
PRN 0120
PRN 0204
 May DBOT Approval 20163

Program Changes: AS, Paralegal Studies (Legal Assisting)

Technical Credit: Correctional Officer Crossover Training to Florida CMS Law Enforcement Basic Recruit Training Program

Law Enforcement Officer
 May DBOT Approval 20171


New Programs Technical Credit: Welding Technology and
Welding Technology-Advanced
 May DBOT Approval 20171

June 2016

New Associate in Science Programs: Aviation Maintenance Administration, Unmanned Vehicle Systems Operations  June DBOT approval 20172
Revised Courses Credit: HUM 2210, HUM 2230, HUM 2941  June DBOT Approval 20171

Revised Fees Credit: EMS 1119, EMS 1431, EMS 2621, DEH 1800L, GEB 4891, HUS 2941, NUR 1006L, NUR 1021L, NUR 1200L, NUR 2460L,NUR 4636C, RTE 1111L, RTE 2824

June DBOT Approval 20171
Revised Fees Technical Credit: FFP 0010, FFP 0020, PRN 0000L, PTN 0043, STS 0255, STS 0257 June DBOT Approval 20171

July 2016

Program Changes: Correctional Officer Crossover Training to Florida CMS Law Enforcement Basic Recruit Training Program, Technical Credit Program Law Enforcement Officer
AS Degree Radiography
July DBOT Approval 20163

Revised Courses Technical: CJK 0065 July DBOT Approval 20163
Revised Technical Credit Special Fees: HCP 0742, OTA 0627 July DBOT Approval 20172

September 2016

New College Credit Program: Cybersecurity  September DBOT Approval   20172
Program Changes AS: Aviation Administration, Networking Systems Technology, Professional Pilot Technology September DBOT    20172
Program Deletion AS: Health Information Technology   September DBOT   20171
Revised Fees Credit: NUR 1021L
NUR 1200L, NUR 1211L, NUR 2261L, NUR 2403L, NUR 2460L, HCP 0742, OTA 0627, PRN 0000L, PRN 0120L, PRN 0204L, PTN 0093
September DBOT Approval    20172 

Revised Courses Credit:
CTS 2123
September DBOT Approval   20172

November 2016

New Course Proposals: CIS 3370, CIS 4205, CIS 4206, CIS 4370, COP 3224, ISM 4320,   November DBOT Approval   20181
Revised Course Credit: HSA 3113 Health Care Systems  November DBOT Approval    20171
Revised Technical Credit Fees: DEA 0715L, DEA 0753L, DEA 0758L  November DBOT Approval    20173

January 2017

Program Changes AS: Information Technology Security, Network Systems Technology

Program Change BAS: BAS/Aviation Management Concentration and BAS/ Cybersecurity Concentration
January DBOT Approval

January DBOT Approval

Revised Courses: DEA 0747, DEA 0757               January DBOT Approval  20172

 June 2018
 Revised Credit Courses: AMH 2020, AML 2010, AML 2020, CRW 2001, ENC 1101, ENC1102, ENG 2103, ENG 2670, ENL2010, ENL2022, ENL 2330, LIT 1020, LIT2110, LIT2380, POS 2041
May DBOT Approval  20191
 Deletion Credit Course: LIT 1000 May DBOT Approval  20191
 New Course Proposal (Technical Credit): CJK 0023, CJK 0024,CJK 0025, CJK 0026, CJK 0029 May DBOT Approval  20191
Program Change BSN: Nursing

Program Change AS: Emergency Medical Services, Computer Programming and Analysis, Internet Services Technology, e-Business Technology, Cyber and INforamtion Security, Network Systems Technology/Cybersecurity Specialization

Program Change Technical Credit: Florida Law Enforcement Auxiliary Academy
May DBOT Approval

May DBOT Approval

May DBOT Approval


Deletion Technical Credit Courses: CJK 0240, CJK 0241, CJK 0242 May DBOT Approval 20191 
Revised Fees Credit: ATF 2305, ATF 2201, ATF 2202, ATF 2203, ATF 2400, DEH 1002L, DEH 2702L, EMS 1431, EMS 2621, NUR 1006L, NUR 1021L, NUR 1200L, NUR 2460L, NUR 4636C, RTE 1111L, NUR 2261, RTE 2824, NUR 1021, NUR 1200 June DBOT Approval 20191
Revised Fees Technical Credit: CJK 0028, CJK 0027, DEA 0753L, DEA 0758L, PRN 0000L, PTN 0043, PRN 0000, PRN 0204, PRN 0120, STS 0255 June DBOT Approval 20191
July 2018
New Course Proposal (Technical Credit): CJK 0027, CJK 0028  July DBOT Approval  20191
Revised Credit Courses: HUM 1020, CHM 2045  July DBOT Approval  20191
September 2018
Program Change AS: Cyber and Information Security
September DBOT Approval
Revised Fees Credit: DEH 1002L, DEH 1800L, DEH 2702L, DEH 2804L, HUS 2940, NUR 2403L, EMS 2620
September DBOT Approval
20201, 20192
Revised Fees Technical Credit: DEA 0751L, DEA 0753L, DEA 0758L, September DBOT Approval 20193

November 2018
New Courses, Technical Credit: CJK 0032, CJK 0041, CJK 0052

New Courses, Technical Credit: WCL 0055L, MEA 0200L
November DBOT Approval 20193

New Courses, Credit: NUR 4128   20201
Course Revision, Credit: ASL 1140, CET 1610

Course Revision, Technical Credit: CVT 0507, HIM 0450, HIM 0430, HSC 0530, HCP 0604, HIM 0440, HCP 0742, HCP 0731L, HCP 0731, HCP 0100, HSC 0003, HIM 0434
November DBOT Approval  20192 
Course Revision, Credit: NUR 3655, NUR 3145, NUR 4128, NUR 3125, NUR 3895, NUR 3826, NUR 4827, NUR 4636C, NUR 4164, NUR 4837, NUR 4945C, 

Course Revision, Technical Credit: MEA 0200L, WCL 0055L, WCL 0050, WCL 0055, MEA 0200, OTA 0627
November DBOT Approval 20201 
New Programs, Technical Credit: Corrections Basic Recruit for Special Operations Forces Recruits, Law Enforcement Basic Training for Special Operations Forces Recruits November DBOT Approval  20193 
Program Revisions: Nursing Assistant, Phlebotomy November DBOT Approval  20192 
February 2019
Program Revisions: Corrections Basic Recruit Training for Special Operations Forces Recruits February DBOT Approval  20193 
Course Revision, Credit: PLA 1260
February DBOT Approval  20193 
Course Revision, Technical Credit: WCL 0050 February DBOT Approval  20201 
April 2019
Program Revisions: Unmanned Vehicles Systems Operations March DBOT Approval  20201 
New Program: Cross over from Correctional Probation Officer to CMS Correctional Basic Recruit Training Form March DBOT Approval  20201 
Course Revision, Credit: MAT 0056, MAT 0028, ISM 4545, ETD 2320, AVM 2441, GIS 2040 March DBOT Approval 20193, 20201 
May 2019    
New Programs: