Statement of Student Responsibilities

Listed below are the responsibilities that PHSC students accept through membership in the College's learning community. Each student should approach academic endeavors, relationships and personal responsibilities with a strong commitment to personal integrity and mutual respect. As members of the PHSC teaching and learning community, students have a responsibility to:

  • Read the College Catalog and Student Handbook
  • Become knowledgeable about college policies and procedures
  • Provide accurate information on college forms, update that information when necessary and be the sole author of their applications
  • Meet financial obligations to the College
  • Attend regularly scheduled classes
  • Complete assignments and exams based upon course syllabus information
  • Participate in class
  • Fulfill their academic responsibilities in an honest and forthright manner
  • Secure their myPHSC (Canvas) account against unauthorized access by creating a strong password using the self service password reset system
  • Protect their myPHSC (Canvas) account from being compromised by not sharing and/or giving out passwords
  • Utilize appropriate support services when needed
  • Abide by College policies and procedures
  • Abide by the established computer use procedures
  • Be aware of academic, financial aid and graduation requirements
  • Seek help from faculty when needed
  • Seek answers to questions
  • Abide by the equipment usage policy
  • Meet published deadlines
  • Notify College officials if a condition exists which is in violation of students' rights, College policies, rules, standards or procedures
  • Join/seek out groups and individuals who will help students achieve their goals
  • Abide by state and federal laws
  • Conduct themselves in a responsible manner in and out of the classroom
  • Protect, support and contribute to a safe environment within the learning community
  • Show regard for the property of the College, its community members and visitors