Student Grievance Complaints

Academic Related Grievances:

Students should first attempt to resolve grievances of an academic nature (course related) with the instructor. If that does not resolve the issue, students should attempt to resolve the grievance locally and informally through discussion with the following campus officials, in the order listed below:

West Campus:

   a. Department Chair/Program Coordinator

   b. Academic Dean

All Other Campuses:
   a.  Associate Dean

   b.  Provost

Non-Academic Related Grievances:

Students should attempt to resolve all non-course/instructor related matters locally and informally through discussion with the following campus officials, in the order listed:

West Campus:

   a. Advisor

   b. Assistant Dean of Student Affairs

   c. Associate Dean of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management

All Other Campuses:

   a. Advisor

   b. Assistant Dean of Student Affairs

   c. Provost

Each official, upon receipt of an issue or concern, shall investigate the circumstances (to include interviews with the individuals involved where necessary) and shall attempt to resolve the problem. If unable to do so, the official will refer the matter to the next higher level of responsibility as indicated above. If the issue or concern is not settled at the campus level within 10 business days, then it shall be referred in writing on form SCN-26 (which shall be available from the Assistant Dean of Student Affairs), to the Vice President of Academic Affairs, Faculty Development, College Provost, West Campus (for academic/course-related matters) or to the Vice President of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management for all non-course/non-academic related matters. The appropriate Vice President shall attempt to resolve the matter within 10 business days of receipt. If the Vice President is unable to resolve the issue, then he or she may recommend to the President the appointment of a Special Committee to conduct a formal administrative hearing as the basis for final action by the President. The student involved in this grievance resolution process may request assistance from the Director of Global & Multicultural Awareness, Special Assistant to the President at any point during the process. The Director of Global & Multicultural Awareness, Special Assistant to the President.  The Director of Multicultural Student Affairs and Equity Services is not to represent the student grievant, but is only to aid the complainant in defining the issue(s) and in arranging appointments with campus officials. When such assistance is requested, the Director of Global & Multicultural Awareness, Special Assistant to the President shall monitor the progress of the case to its conclusion. Some decisions involving transfer of credit, course substitution credit awarded, or the meeting of graduation requirements may be appealed to the Student Ombudsman (Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs).

All proceedings brought under this IMM shall be considered confidential and no information regarding the grievance shall be released to any person or entity unless such person or entity is involved in the investigation or subsequent disposition. Any person violating this provision may be subject to disciplinary action.

No person filing a complaint under this section shall be subject to any adverse action by the College or any employee or student of the College. Any person acting in a manner deemed to be retaliatory for the filing of a complaint under this procedure shall be subject to appropriate disciplinary action.