Supportive Measures

Supportive measures are non-disciplinary, non-punitive individualized services offered as appropriate and reasonably available to students involved in interpersonal conflict, including but not limited to those involved in reports of sexual misconduct. Students may request supportive measures relevant to their situation in order to promote their well-being and pursuit of academic study. Students may speak to the Dean of Student Affairs about any supportive measures. Students involved in reports of sexual misconduct may also speak to the Title IX Coordinator, the Deputy Title IX Coordinator, or the Confidential Resource Providers. Supportive measures, include, but are not limited to, No Contact Orders, Teaming Conflict Notices, and support working with faculty regarding any disruptions. Additional information about Supportive Measures can be found under Resources – Supplemental Information on the Office of Non-Discrimination and Title IX webpage. Requests for supportive measures do not require a formal report or filing of a formal complaint.

No Contact Orders

Olin College encourages students to attempt to resolve their conflicts themselves whenever possible. However, it is understood that is not always possible and circumstances may warrant more direct intervention from the College.  When deemed appropriate under the circumstances, the Dean of Student Affairs or their designee has the authority to issue no contact orders. A no contact order is used to limit contact between parties.

No contact orders are behavior management tools and typically prohibit parties from having direct or indirect contact, including but not limited to email, mail, text messages, social media, or telephone. A no contact directive may also result in mandated changes to a student’s academic schedule, on-campus employment, room assignment, or participation in campus events or activities, or travel around campus if warranted, based on the circumstances of the situation. Refusal to adhere to the order after written or verbal notification of its terms is prohibited and violations of a no contact order may result in disciplinary action.

Teaming Conflict Notice

Teaming Conflict Notices are a form of supportive measure students may request when they have the potential to be on a team with someone with whom they have significant interpersonal conflict, including sexual and/or interpersonal misconduct. Working on teams is an essential part of students’ academic experience and extreme interpersonal conflict or experiences of harm between individuals can interfere with their ability to productively engage in their academic work. A Teaming Conflict Notice is a mechanism for supportive staff to share the existence of a conflict with course instructors in order facilitate a teaming configuration that supports student learning. Teaming Conflict Notices do not involve notification of the other student(s) involved, do not require a formal report or complaint to be filed, and may be used in conjunction with other supportive measures. Teaming Conflict Notices can be issued by the Dean of Student Affairs, the Title IX Coordinator, the Deputy Title IX Coordinator, or Confidential Resource Providers.