Post-Graduate Planning Code of Professionalism

A fundamental element of Olin’s culture is trust. As such, our Honor Code requires all members of the Olin community to conduct themselves with honor and integrity. Our code, drawn from a few core values, consists of a set of intentionally broad standards by which every action must be measured.

Three of these values — integrity, respect for others and passion for the welfare of the college — are critical to maintaining our individual and community reputations through interactions with corporate partners of Olin, as well as with graduate school programs and professional societies.

Students participating in the recruiting process through the Office of Post-Graduate Planning (PGP) must adhere to the following guidelines

  • Students are asked to review and sign the Code of Professionalism, available in our office and during the PGP portion of OFYI.
  • Students will present a truthful, accurate resume.
  • Students accepting an interview (on campus or at the company’s facility) will attend it and will be prepared. They will arrive on time, dress appropriately and professionally, research the background of the company and conduct themselves in a respectful manner. They will respond to all interview questions with integrity.
  • Students will send a thank you note after each interview (phone or in-person), to each person they speak with.
  • Students will not accept an offer of employment until they have considered the decision carefully. Once they have accepted an offer, either for an internship or a full time position, they will honor that commitment and not conduct interviews with other employers, or accept a grad school program, research opportunity, or another company’s offer of employment.

Each student is expected to sign this Code of Professionalism at the start of their First Year at Olin. Any infringement of this code will result in a temporary ban from the PGP recruiting platform (Handshake)a discussion with the Director of Post-Graduate Planning, and (if necessary and appropriate) an apology to the impacted company, school or association representative.

The career development staff understand that life is unpredictable and situations arise where it may be unclear what actions you should take to maintain your professionalism while doing what is best for you. In these circumstances, we strongly urge you to make an appointment with PGP to discuss the situation and possible solutions.