General Education Core Curriculum (GE)

What is General Education at Northampton Community College?

An undergraduate degree is comprised of three parts: courses in the major, elective courses, and courses in the General Education Core Curriculum. Major courses define the program of study. Students choose electives that fit their individual interests. The General Education Core Curriculum is the part of the academic experience that all students have in common.

The GE Core defines an important set of knowledge and skills that will help our graduates to continue learning, adapt to change, and become citizens who can make wise choices and contribute to their community.

The General Education Core Curriculum is designed to go hand in hand with the major courses to develop skills that will serve students in their academic study, careers, and in their lives. Though in some designated GE Core courses the focus will be on particular outcomes, we expect that the knowledge and skills that are part of the GE Core Curriculum will be reinforced throughout the other major courses and electives

Courses satisfying various General Education Core requirements are listed below by category; such requirements must be satisfied by selecting courses from among the listings below. Unless otherwise specified, they are applicable to all degrees (A.A./A.S./A.A.S.).

General Education Core Goals and Learning Outcomes

I. Knowledge of Arts, Cultures and the Natural World


Goal: Students should understand both the creative process and how works of human imagination and thought from diverse cultures, places, and times express varieties of human experience.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Students will discuss, analyze and interpret works that confront, express, and examine human experience.
  • Students will describe and explain the ways that language, literature, philosophy, or the visual and performing arts challenge or reinforce specific cultural or historic values and conditions.


Goal: Students will demonstrate knowledge of Societies and Institutions Over Time (SIT) and the Scientific Study of Human Behavior (SSHB).

Learning Outcomes:

  • Students will identify and apply social science theories and concepts to behavioral or societal issues. (SIT & SSHB)
  • Students will explain how a social science discipline describes and analyzes social change or human behavior.
  • Students will describe how people’s experiences and perspectives are shaped by sex, gender, ethnicity, class, age, race, culture and other factors.

Note: Social science courses must address the first outcome and one of the two remaining outcomes.


Goal: Students will demonstrate a working knowledge of scientific principles and concepts and be able to apply them to daily situations.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Students will explain the scientific method, recognizing the potential for uncertainty in the scientific inquiry.
  • Students will apply basic field and laboratory skills used for collecting and analyzing data according to the particular discipline.


Goal: Students will demonstrate an understanding of human diversity and an awareness of global issues through analysis of arts, histories, cultures, geographies, economics, medicine, scientific data and/or institutions.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Students will discuss and explain how the diverse range of human differences influences the historical and current formation of artistic, economic, social, scientific, cultural or political institutions.
  • Students will examine how the range of human differences influences each individual’s experience of equality and inequality within a society, its institutions, or its cultures.
  • Students will analyze how individuals and institutions have addressed persistent global challenges.

Note: to carry a diversity designation, the course needs to address at least one of the three outcomes.

II. Intellectual and Practical Skills


Goal: Students will present and support ideas in an organized and coherent manner consistent with the intended audience and purpose in both speaking and writing.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Students will identify, analyze, and choose supporting materials in written and spoken communication.
  • Students will organize information with a central idea or thesis.
  • Students will differentiate among various audience needs in word choice, level of explanation, and method of presentation.


Goal: Students will use computer technology as a tool for communication and productivity both professionally and personally.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Students will demonstrate knowledge of computer concepts and terminology.
  • Students will create, store, retrieve, and print formatted documents.
  • Students will evaluate ethical uses of technology.


Goal: Students will interpret and analyze quantitative data to solve problems.

Learning Outcomes

  • Students will interpret, analyze, and draw conclusions about data presented as words, abstract symbols, tables or graphs.
  • Students will use mathematics to model events and solve problems.
  • Students will communicate using mathematical language, symbols, data, and graphs.


Goal: Students will demonstrate research skills in gathering, evaluating, and using information.

Learning Outcomes

  • Students will locate and identify information
  • Students will evaluate source information and incorporate it into their work.
  • Students will use source information in an ethical and legal fashion.


Goal: Students will think critically and propose solutions to open-ended problems.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Students will analyze and evaluate information, ideas and arguments in order to form conclusions.
  • Students will design and evaluate a plan that addresses an open-ended problem.

Note: to carry a critical thinking designation, the course must address at least one of the two outcomes.

Arts and Humanities (AH)

ARCH100Architectural History I - Antiquity to 1870

3 credits

ARTA100Art & Visual Thinking

3 credits

ARTA101Art History Survey

3 credits

CMTH110Introduction to the Theatre

3 credits

CMTH111Acting I

3 credits

CMTH115Technical Theatre and Design

3 credits


3 credits

CMTH126The Communication Arts

3 credits

CMTH189Stage Voice and Movement

1 credits

CMTH190Stage Production

1 credits


3 credits

CMTH211GPlays: Classical to Contemporary

3 credits

CMTH212Acting II

3 credits

CMTH218Theatre Portfolio

1 credits

CMTH220Introduction to Film

3 credits

DANC101Dance History

3 credits

DANC110Ballet I

1 credits

DANC120Modern Dance I

1 credits

DANC130Jazz I

1 credits

DANC210Ballet II

2 credits

DANC220Modern Dance II

2 credits

DANC230Jazz II

2 credits

ENGL201GBritish Literature I

3 credits


3 credits

ENGL205GAmerican Literature I

3 credits

ENGL211GPlays: Classical to Contemporary

3 credits

ENGL215GMulticultural Adolescent Literature

3 credits

ENGL250GLatin American Literature

3 credits

ENGL251GBritish Literature II

3 credits

ENGL253Creative Writing

3 credits

ENGL255GAmerican Literature II

3 credits

ENGL256GModern Poetry

3 credits

ENGL257G20th Century Literature by Women

3 credits

ENGL258Fiction Writing

3 credits

ENGL260GContemporary Literature

3 credits

ENGL264GIrish Literature

3 credits

ENGL265GAfrican-American Literature

3 credits

ENGL267Poetry Writing

3 credits

HUMA121American Work Experience

3 credits

HUMA140Introduction to Women and Gender Studies

3 credits

HUMA150Nature of the Environment

3 credits

HUMA210Creativity and the Origin of Ideas

3 credits

JOUR101Journalism and Society

3 credits

MDLA102Elementary French I

3 credits

MDLA103Elementary Spanish I

3 credits

MDLA105Elementary Chinese I

3 credits

MDLA107Elementary Arabic I

3 credits

MDLA112Elementary French II

3 credits

MDLA113Elementary Spanish II

3 credits

MDLA115Elementary Chinese II

3 credits

MDLA117Elementary Arabic II

3 credits

MDLA122Intermediate French I

3 credits

MDLA123Intermediate Spanish I

3 credits

MDLA125Intermediate Chinese I

3 credits

MDLA133Intermediate Spanish II

3 credits

MDLA135Intermediate Chinese II

3 credits

MUSC101Introduction to Music

3 credits

PHIL111On Death and Dying

3 credits

PHIL121World Religions

3 credits

PHIL201Introduction to Philosophy

3 credits

PHIL202Ethics & Moral Problems

3 credits

PHIL204Asian Philosophies

3 credits

PHIL211Ancient Philosophy

3 credits

PHIL215Modern Philosophy

3 credits


3 credits

PHIL225What is Freedom?

3 credits

ARCH100: Architecture only

Critical Thinking (CT)

CJST111American Legal System

3 credits

CJST115Criminal Law

3 credits


3 credits

CJST250Contemporary Issues Criminal Justice

3 credits

ENGL255GAmerican Literature II

3 credits

ENGL260GContemporary Literature

3 credits

HIST173Modern European History - 1815-Present

3 credits

GEOG210Weather and Climate

4 credits

PHIL111On Death and Dying

3 credits

POLS101Introduction to Political Science

3 credits

POLS105GAmerican Constitutional Law

3 credits

POLS202International Relations

3 credits

POLS251State and Local Government

3 credits

SOCA102Cultural Anthropology

3 credits

SOCA103Principles of Sociology

3 credits


3 credits

Social Science: Societies and Institutions over Time (SIT)

ARCH155Architectural History II - 1870 to Present

3 credits

CMTH221History of Broadcasting

3 credits

GEOG101World Geography

3 credits

GEOG151Geography of the United States and Canada

3 credits

GLBL130Introduction to Global Studies

3 credits

GLBL160Field Experience and Academic Research in Global Studies

3 credits

GLBL230Global Studies Capstone

3 credits

HIST103Ancient and Medieval History

3 credits

HIST113American History I

3 credits

HIST121The Black Experience

3 credits

HIST123African Civilizations

3 credits

HIST140Modern Chinese History

3 credits

HIST153Foundations of Modern European History - 1300-1815

3 credits

HIST163American History II

3 credits

HIST165The American Experience of Warfare

3 credits

HIST166Civil War and Reconstruction

3 credits

HIST168History of the Middle East

3 credits

HIST173Modern European History - 1815-Present

3 credits

HIST210History of Modern Science

3 credits

HIST211History of Pennsylvania

3 credits

INTS201Implementing Sustainable Energy Systems in Developing Communities (Study Abroad)

3 credits

INTS202Architecture of the City: Classic to Contemporary

3 credits

POLS101Introduction to Political Science

3 credits

POLS105GAmerican Constitutional Law

3 credits

POLS110American National Government

3 credits

POLS150Peace Studies & Conflict Resolution (Study Abroad)

3 credits

POLS170Politics of Modern Turkey (Study Abroad)

3 credits

POLS202International Relations

3 credits

POLS205Women and Politics

3 credits

POLS251State and Local Government

3 credits

SOCA102Cultural Anthropology

3 credits

SOCA105American Ethnicity

3 credits

SOCA160Issues in Contemporary Genocide and Mass Violence

3 credits

ARCH155: A.A.S. only

Social Science: Scientific Study of Human Behavior (SSHB)


3 credits

GEOG121Environmental Sustainability

3 credits

GEOG140Investigating Climate Change

3 credits

GEOG271Introduction to Geographic Information Systems

4 credits

HUMA250GResearch Methods in the Social Sciences

3 credits

INTS250Study Abroad

3 credits

PSYC103Introduction to Psychology

3 credits

PSYC230Introduction to Health Psychology

3 credits

PSYC235Developmental Child Psychopathology

3 credits

PSYC245Cognitive Psychology

3 credits

PSYC255Abnormal Psychology

3 credits

PSYC258Developmental Psychology

3 credits

PSYC265Psychology of Sex & Gender

3 credits

SOCA103Principles of Sociology

3 credits

SOCA125Sociology of Families

3 credits

SOCA210Sociology of Gender

3 credits

Quantitative Literacy (QL)

MATH103Applications in Mathematics

3 credits

MATH118Foundations of Mathematics I

3 credits

MATH119Foundations of Mathematics II

3 credits

MATH120Nature of Mathematics

3 credits

MATH140College Algebra

3 credits


3 credits

MATH150Introductory Statistics

3 credits


4 credits

MATH165Applied Calculus

3 credits

MATH175Calculus I with Review (Part 1)

4 credits

MATH176Calculus I with Review (Part 2)

4 credits

MATH180Calculus I

4 credits

MATH181Calculus II

4 credits

MATH210Calculus III

4 credits

MATH211Differential Equations

4 credits

MATH103: A.A.S. only

MATH118: Middle Level Education, Early Childhood Education & Special Education only

MATH119: Middle Level Education & Early Childhood Education only

Science (SCI)

BIOS104Field Ecology

4 credits

BIOS105Contemporary Biology

4 credits

BIOS107Biology I

4 credits

BIOS110In Your Genes

4 credits

BIOS115Essentials of Biology

4 credits

BIOS126Environmental Science

4 credits

BIOS130Basics of Human Anatomy and Physiology

4 credits

BIOS150Biology II

4 credits

BIOS160Human Biology

4 credits

BIOS202Microbiology for Allied Health

4 credits

BIOS204Human Anatomy & Physiology I

4 credits

BIOS206General Ecology

4 credits

CHEM105Chemistry in Contemporary Society

4 credits

CHEM120General Chemistry I

4 credits

CHEM135Chemistry of Life

4 credits


4 credits

GEOG210Weather and Climate

4 credits

GEOL201Physical Geology

4 credits

PHYS101Physics I

4 credits

PHYS151Physics II

4 credits

PHYS152Physical Science II

3 credits

PHYS215Physics for Science & Engineering I

5 credits

PHYS225Physics for Science & Engineering II

5 credits

BIOS130: Healthcare Office AAS Only

Diversity and Global Awareness (D)

BIOS126Environmental Science

4 credits

BIOS210Environmental Biology

4 credits

BUSA115Introduction to International Business

3 credits

CJST250Contemporary Issues Criminal Justice

3 credits

CMTH126The Communication Arts

3 credits

CMTH211GPlays: Classical to Contemporary

3 credits

CMTH215Intercultural Communication

3 credits

CULA130Basic Entrees and Vegetables

3 credits

DANC101Dance History

3 credits

ENGL151LEnglish II

3 credits

ENGL205GAmerican Literature I

3 credits

ENGL211GPlays: Classical to Contemporary

3 credits

ENGL215GMulticultural Adolescent Literature

3 credits

ENGL250GLatin American Literature

3 credits

ENGL251GBritish Literature II

3 credits

ENGL253Creative Writing

3 credits

ENGL255GAmerican Literature II

3 credits

ENGL256GModern Poetry

3 credits

ENGL257G20th Century Literature by Women

3 credits

ENGL260GContemporary Literature

3 credits

ENGL264GIrish Literature

3 credits

ENGL265GAfrican-American Literature

3 credits

ENGL267Poetry Writing

3 credits

GEOG101World Geography

3 credits

GEOG121Environmental Sustainability

3 credits

GEOG151Geography of the United States and Canada

3 credits

GEOG210Weather and Climate

4 credits

GLBL130Introduction to Global Studies

3 credits

GLBL160Field Experience and Academic Research in Global Studies

3 credits

GLBL230Global Studies Capstone

3 credits

HIST113American History I

3 credits

HIST121The Black Experience

3 credits

HIST140Modern Chinese History

3 credits

HIST165The American Experience of Warfare

3 credits

HIST166Civil War and Reconstruction

3 credits

HIST168History of the Middle East

3 credits

HIST173Modern European History - 1815-Present

3 credits

HUMA121American Work Experience

3 credits

HUMA140Introduction to Women and Gender Studies

3 credits

HUMA150Nature of the Environment

3 credits

HUMA210Creativity and the Origin of Ideas

3 credits

HOSP201Strategic Leadership in Hospitality

3 credits

INTS201Implementing Sustainable Energy Systems in Developing Communities (Study Abroad)

3 credits

MDLA102Elementary French I

3 credits

MDLA103Elementary Spanish I

3 credits

MDLA105Elementary Chinese I

3 credits

MDLA107Elementary Arabic I

3 credits

MDLA112Elementary French II

3 credits

MDLA113Elementary Spanish II

3 credits

MDLA115Elementary Chinese II

3 credits

MDLA117Elementary Arabic II

3 credits

MDLA122Intermediate French I

3 credits

MDLA123Intermediate Spanish I

3 credits

MDLA125Intermediate Chinese I

3 credits

MDLA133Intermediate Spanish II

3 credits

MDLA135Intermediate Chinese II

3 credits

PHIL111On Death and Dying

3 credits

PHIL121World Religions

3 credits

PHIL204Asian Philosophies

3 credits

POLS101Introduction to Political Science

3 credits

POLS105GAmerican Constitutional Law

3 credits

POLS150Peace Studies & Conflict Resolution (Study Abroad)

3 credits

POLS170Politics of Modern Turkey (Study Abroad)

3 credits

POLS202International Relations

3 credits

POLS205Women and Politics

3 credits

POLS251State and Local Government

3 credits

PSYC230Introduction to Health Psychology

3 credits

PSYC258Developmental Psychology

3 credits

PUBH103Social & Cultural Perspectives of Health

3 credits

PUBH201Introduction to Global Health

3 credits

SOCA102Cultural Anthropology

3 credits

SOCA103Principles of Sociology

3 credits

SOCA105American Ethnicity

3 credits

SOCA125Sociology of Families

3 credits


3 credits

SOCA160Issues in Contemporary Genocide and Mass Violence

3 credits

SOCA204Social Problems

3 credits

CJST250: Criminal Justice program only

CULA130: Culinary Program Only

ENGL151L: Literature

HOSP201: Hospitality Programs only

PUBH103, PUBH201: Public Health Program Only

Information Literacy

ENGL101English I

3 credits


ENGL151LEnglish II

3 credits


ENGL151REnglish II

3 credits


ENGL151TEnglish II

3 credits


CMTH102Introduction to Communication

3 credits

All courses listed as Communication: Writing Intensive General Education Courses (WI)

All courses listed as Communication: Writing Intensive Program Courses (WI)

Communication: Writing Intensive General Education Courses (WI)

BIOS105GContemporary Biology

4 credits

CMTH211GPlays: Classical to Contemporary

3 credits

ENGL201GBritish Literature I

3 credits


3 credits

ENGL205GAmerican Literature I

3 credits

ENGL211GPlays: Classical to Contemporary

3 credits

ENGL215GMulticultural Adolescent Literature

3 credits

ENGL250GLatin American Literature

3 credits

ENGL251GBritish Literature II

3 credits

ENGL255GAmerican Literature II

3 credits

ENGL256GModern Poetry

3 credits

ENGL257G20th Century Literature by Women

3 credits

ENGL260GContemporary Literature

3 credits

ENGL264GIrish Literature

3 credits

ENGL265GAfrican-American Literature

3 credits

GEOG121GEnvironmental Sustainability

3 credits

GEOG151GGeography of the United States and Canada

3 credits

HIST113GAmerican History I

3 credits

HIST121GThe Black Experience

3 credits

HIST153GFoundations of Modern European History - 1300-1815

3 credits

HIST165GThe American Experience of Warfare

3 credits

HIST166GCivil War and Reconstruction

3 credits

HIST168GHistory of the Middle East

3 credits

HIST173GModern European History - 1815-Present

3 credits

HUMA121GAmerican Work Experience

3 credits

HUMA140GIntroduction to Women and Gender Studies

3 credits

HUMA250GResearch Methods in the Social Sciences

3 credits

PHIL111GOn Death and Dying

3 credits

PHIL202GEthics & Moral Problems

3 credits

POLS105GAmerican Constitutional Law

3 credits

POLS110GAmerican National Government

3 credits

POLS205GWomen and Politics

3 credits

POLS251GState and Local Government

3 credits

PSYC103GIntroduction to Psychology

3 credits

PSYC258GDevelopmental Psychology

3 credits

SOCA102GCultural Anthropology

3 credits

SOCA103GPrinciples of Sociology

3 credits

SOCA125GSociology of Families

3 credits

Communication: Writing Intensive Program Courses (WI)

AUTO203GAutomotive Shop Management Practices

3 credits

BUSA221GBusiness Communications

3 credits

CHEM201GOrganic Chemistry I

4 credits


3 credits


3 credits

CMTH230GIntroduction to Communication Theory

3 credits

DENH251GPreventative Oral Health Services III

2 credits

DMSG215GSmall Parts and Special Topics

2 credits

EARL263GInternship-Early Childhood

3 credits


3 credits

EDUC260GAdolescent Development & Cognition

3 credits

ELEC272GComputer Electronics Practicum II

3 credits

ELTC260GElectrical Construction Practicum

2 credits

EMEC260GElectromechanical Technology Practicum

2 credits

HOSP221GHospitality Management Practicum

3 credits

HVAC260GHVAC/R Technology Practicum

2 credits

JOUR201GFeature Writing

3 credits

JOUR203GWriting for Public Relations

3 credits

PARL210GLegal Writing

3 credits

PSYC251GChild Psychology

3 credits

QUAL221GApplied Quality Practicum

3 credits

SMAT245GAcute Care of Illness and Injury

3 credits

SPED205GSpecial Education Paraeducator Internship

3 credits

SPRT152GSports In Society

3 credits

VETC215GAnimal Disease

3 credits