Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education (IECE) Area – Bachelor of Arts

Admission Requirements

In addition to meeting the general requirements for admission to the University, students seeking teacher certification must apply for and be admitted to the Teacher Education Program (TEP). Additionally, to enroll in the clinical practice and meet state certification requirements, students must maintain a GPA of 2.75 overall (in all course work), as well as in professional education courses, with no grade lower than a "C" in professional education courses.

Program Competencies

  1. Students will create learning environments based on understanding of typical and atypical child development.
  2. Students will articulate strategies to build relationships with and empower families and collaborate with community agencies.
  3. Students will explain the rationale for assessing children, explain how to conduct developmentally appropriate assessment, and use assessment data to inform teaching and program planning.
  4. Students will use their knowledge of developmentally appropriate practices and academic subjects to design instruction and learning environments for children with and without disabilities.
  5. Students will design/implement instruction and design learning environments for children with and without disabilities to demonstrate knowledge of developmentally appropriate practices and academic subject.
  6. Students will examine legislation and public policy regarding children and families and will serve as advocates for children and families.
  7. Students will design an early childhood program following state child care regulations and articulate management strategies.


  1. Students must maintain an overall GPA of 2.75.
  2. Candidates develop a series of critical performances, which are submitted and evaluated throughout the program. Prior to clinical practice, two disposition evaluations must be filed with Teacher Education Services. IECE New teacher Standards are used to evaluate candidate performance during field experiences and clinical practice. Performance is evaluated by Teacher Education Candidate Record of Performance.
  3. IECE candidates will be required to take the IECE PRAXIS exam. A passing score will be required by EPSB for IECE teacher certification.
  4. Assessment is an ongoing activity in the teacher preparation program. As noted, teacher education courses contain program assessments which are conducted each semester. Each cohort of student teachers is observed in the field and submits the teacher performance assessment. Dispositions are reviewed each semester, and the PRAXIS exam must be taken by all our candidates prior to program completion. A synthesis of these key indicators is reviewed by the teacher education faculty on an annual basis and specific program improvement goals are identified based on these data.

Program Requirements

General Education

BIOL 110Inquiry Biology for Teachers (NSC1)


EDEM 499CSeminar in Effective Teaching


Total Credit Hours:36

Refer to the General Education section for a complete listing of general education requirements for the University. The department suggests students take PSY 154 for their SBS2 requirement.

Area Requirements

To successfully complete the program, a student must obtain an overall GPA of 2.75 with education methods course grades of "C" or better.

Core Requirements

EDF 207Foundations of Education


ART 121School Art I


MUSE 222Music for the Elementary Teachers


EDEC 253Child Growth and Development


EDEC 254Preschool Administration


IECE 301At-Risk Infants and Toddlers*


IECE 311Introduction to Early Childhood


IECE 345Preschoolers with Special Needs*


IECE 360Families in Early Childhood Education


IECE 361Positive Child Guidance


IECE 416Infant/Toddler Program Planning*


IECE 418Preschool Program Planning*


IECE 425Clinical Practice: Infants and Toddlers and Preschool for 3-5 year olds*


EDEE 305Learning Theories and Practices in Early Elementary


EDEE 327Literature and Materials for Young Readers


EDEC 255Assessment of Young Children


EDSP 230Education of Exceptional Children


EDSP 320Language Development and Intervention for Young Children


EDSP 350Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities


EDSP 363Assistive Technology


HLTH 301Health, Safety and Nutrition for Early Elementary


EDSP 370Transdisciplinary Assessment of Students with Moderate and Severe Disabilities


EDSP 371Field Experiences in Transdisciplinary Assessment and Services for Students with Moderate and Severe Disabilities


EDEC 412Kindergarten Curriculum


Total Credit Hours:79

Other Program Requirements

SWK 315Child Welfare Services



SWK 358Child Abuse and Neglect



SCI 111Inquiry Physical Science for Teachers



ESS 112Inquiry Earth Systems Science for Teachers


Total Credit Hours:6

Total Credit Hours: 121