Social-Emotional Learning and Whole Child Education, ADV CERT (E030)

(12 Credits)

Note: All of the courses in this program may be applied to the M.Ed. program in Educational Studies. Neither the M.Ed. program nor this Certificate of Advanced Study program leads to New York State classroom teaching certification.

This Social-Emotional Learning and Whole Child Education Certificate of Advanced Study program is designed for candidates who wish to become stronger classroom teachers and leaders in social-emotional learning in schools, afterschool settings, and alternative learning settings. Utilizing positive psychology and whole child educational theories, this 12-credit program seeks to increase the knowledge and skills necessary for educators to become agents of hope and ambassadors of well-being within their schools, organizations, communities and institutions. When they have completed this program, students will be able to:

  • Understand key foundational concepts from positive psychology and how these concepts apply to educator and student well-being
  • Apply what they have learned about the science of happiness to develop habits that enhance their personal and professional lives and their students' development
    • Analyze evidence-based social and emotional development and learning programs and outline priorities for future programming
    • Identify key social and emotional development and learning pedagogies, including culturally responsive practices and trauma-informed pedagogies

    • Create lesson plans that demonstrate understanding of how to apply SEL pedagogies in practice including how to integrate SEL with academic learning

    • Apply findings from a self-driven action project to strengthen the social-emotional lives of students, families, or communities

Program Requirements:

Required Courses

EDU.5313Science of Happiness for Educator and Student Wellbeing


EDU.5311Foundations of Social Emotional Learning and Whole Child Education


EDU.5312Pedagogies and Practices in Social Emotional Learning and Whole Child Education


EDU.5536Field-Based Educational Research