HLT.5591 Professional Portfolio in Health Education

As a performance assessment, Student/Supervised Teachers will complete a Professional Portfolio. The student teacher or supervised student teacher in the M.A.T in Health Education program will create a Professional Portfolio (in a three-ring binder), and an edTPA Certification E-Portfolio (electronic) as part of the student teaching/supervised experience. The Professional Portfolio (three ring binder) is created for the purpose of collecting personal documents and artifacts for securing a teaching position, and therefore, no two Professional Portfolios look alike. Student teachers will find the Professional Portfolio very helpful when being interviewed for teaching positions. This portfolio is compiled of the following items: cover page, health education teaching philosophy, test results, special certifications, resume, communication tools, learning segments, evidence of memberships in professional conferences and organizations, learning standards (AAHE, NYS), research assignment, weekly lesson plans, student work sample, technology lesson, time sheet and written evaluations.
