HLT.5110 Teaching Primary Health and Safety

This course will examine the use of multiple methods to be able to teach theories, concepts, knowledge and an understanding about health, wellness and personal safety to the K-6 grade student. Specific theories to be included and explored in this course are the Health Belief Model, Transtheoretical Model/Stages of Change Model and the Social Learning Theory. Factors that impact the well-being of the elementary school child include an adoption of a comprehensive approach to healthy development, creating safe environments and emergency responses to childhood education, home and community environments. This course serves as a gateway for teachers in training to promote and execute these mentioned factors. The lab, lecture, and group discussion format offers opportunities to share opinions regarding the cohesive concepts of elementary child health. Furthermore, students in this course will gain practical knowledge through developmentally appropriate assignments that emphasize preventing childhood abduction, preventing drug, tobacco and other drug use, providing safety education, instruction in fire and arson prevention, instruction about child development and parental skills and responsibility and instruction regarding methods to prevent and detect certain cancers that applies to the K-6 student. Upon the completion of this course, the future teacher educator in Health will be able to educate K-6 students about their health, safety and developing a healthy lifestyle. In addition, students will be required to do ten field hours in an approved K-6 setting.
