This course will focus on various biochemical concepts and laboratory techniques. We will explore principles surrounding Carbohydrate, Lipid, Amino Acids and Nucleotide Metabolisms. We will explore how these metabolic pathways integrate together to sustain life. In the laboratory section, we will employ various techniques to explore the concepts of Maillard Reaction, Homocysteinylation, Lipid Peroxidation in association to the disease processes such as Diabetes and Coronary Artery Disease. Throughout the course, we will put emphasis on qualitative and quantitative thinking through quizzes, exams, lab work and short assignments. Critical thinking will be emphasized throughout the course. Students will be encouraged to use their critical thinking skills for data analysis and for writing formal lab report. The course puts emphasis on qualitative and quantitative thinking by means of quizzes, exams and short assignments in both lectures and labs. Students are encouraged to use their critical thinking skills for data analysis and for writing formal lab reports. Seeking help, in case of difficulties encountered at any point in the course, is recommended.
