Credit Overload Policy

The maximum number of credits for which an undergraduate student may enroll is as follows:

19 credits (except for Castle Scholars, Music, and Dance & Theatre majors)

21 credits for Music Majors, Dance & Theatre Majors, and Castle Scholars

An application requesting a credit overload should be filed only if the student has some compelling need to take in excess of the normal allotted number of credits for the student’s program of study. Applications must be approved by the student’s advisor and filed with the Registrar's Office for review. Requests that do not have appropriate approvals will not be considered.

Decisions on whether to approve requests to exceed the term credit limit will be made according to the following criteria:

  1. Previously demonstrated academic excellence, as reflected
  2. by cumulative grade point average at the time of the request.
  3. Previously demonstrated ability to successfully pursue to completion all registered credits in prior semesters of study
  4. Demonstrated academic necessity to pursue an increased course of study in order to maintain satisfactory progress for degree completion.

Students approved to enroll beyond the maximum credits above are charged at the credit hour rate for each credit hour enrolled. Fractional credit charges will be multiplied times the credit hour rate and included in the total. Students receiving financial aid will also be required to visit the Financial Aid Office for approval. In addition, students may apply for overload credits only after the two-week undergraduate online registration period has ended.