Off-Campus Study

Manhattanville College encourages students to consider enriching their undergraduate academic experience through study off campus or abroad. The director of Study Abroad works with the Provost and the Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences to assist students in researching study abroad possibilities. There are literally hundreds of options for study abroad through reputable American and foreign institutions in countries around the world for which students can receive academic credit. For students with high G.P.A.’s (at least 3.2) there exists the possibility of acceptance to one of the Manhattanville “cooperative programs.”

Please click on the link below for a list of the Direct Exchange and Study Abroad Cooperative programs:  
Priority is given to students who have never had a sustained global experience abroad. Low priority is given to students who have already experienced living and studying abroad or outside the U.S. Students must submit their application by the published. All course work taken while abroad need prior departmental approval. In addition, for some programs outside the US and England, students must have completed at least one year of appropriate foreign language study. Ordinarily, students request to spend a junior semester abroad; in rare instances, second semester sophomores can be approved. Spaces on Manhattanville’s cooperative programs are reserved exclusively for those students approved by the College. Students are encouraged to prepare a strong rationale and work with the Study Abroad director before the published deadline.

Policy on enrollment in study abroad
The policy for enrollment for study abroad programs while attending Manhattanville College can be found on the following website pages: 

Applications for both the Fall and Spring of the following academic year must be submitted by the Spring deadline of the previous academic year.

Direct Exchange Programs

The programs and institutions listed below are direct exchange agreements between Manhattanville College and the academic institution cited. Direct exchange opportunities are with the following universities: University of Roehampton/England; National University of Ireland-Maynooth; Universite Paul-Valery/Montpellier III, Montpellier/France; Kansai-Gaidai University in Osaka/Japan, Keio University and the University of Sacred Heart in Tokyo/Japan; and, the University of Sacred Heart, in Santurce/Puerto Rico. 

Students pay what they normally pay for tuition every semester at Manahttanville College (all institutional and federal money is available). Students are billed directly by their study abroad program/university and are responsible to pay the cost of the room and board of the host academic institution. 

Opportunity is limited to only two students per year per exchange program! Highly competitive.

Cooperative Study Abroad Programs

Cooperative study abroad programs are options for study abroad through reputable American and foreign institutions in countries around the world with which we have an affiliation agreement and/or are offered by a third-party provided for which students can receive academic credit. For students with solid G.P.A.’s (at least 3.0) there exists the possibility of acceptance to one of the Manhattanville “cooperative programs.” All students desiring to study abroad must visit and be listed with the Office of Study Abroad. 
Please click on the link below for a list of the Cooperative Study Abroad Programs: Study Abroad Cooperative 

All students must pay Manhattanville tuition for the semester abroad.

Students are eligible to receive a maximum $10,000 of their Manhattanville aid towards the actual tuition cost of tuition at Manhattanville. All reminder balances on total cost of Manhattanville tuition must be paid to Manhattanville.

Federal and/or state aid and loans can be applied to the cost of the remaining balance of Manhattanville tuition. If outside funding exceeds the cost of Manhattanville tuition, students have access to the remainder of that money to use toward the housing (room & board) cost of the study abroad program.

Once students pay Manhattanville tuition, Manhattanville will pay the tuition cost of the student's study abroad tuition.

Students need to be aware of their financial commitment for room and board while abroad. All students are financially responsible to pay for the room and board costs of their study abroad program. Thus, there is no housing cost to Manhattanville for that semester abroad.

“Non-cooperative” Study Abroad Programs

For students who cannot meet the criteria of the cooperative programs, many “independent” possibilities exist. In contrast to Manhattanville’s cooperative programs, students on independent programs are not able to take their Manhattanville institutional aid. Financing independent programs relies entirely on the student’s federal or state financial aid and personal funds. Credits for non-cooperative programs will be issued as transfer credits only in block format; individual courses and grades will not appear on the transcript.


Syracuse in Zimbabwe

College Consortium for International Education Programs in Ghana

South Africa and Tunisia


Yonsei University in Korea

Ewha Women's University in Seoul, Korea

Long Island University in Bangladore, India

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in New Delhi, India

Antioch College in Bodh Gaya, India (Buddhist Studies)

Brown University in India

Brethen Colleges in Cochin, India

Davidson College in India

Rutgers in India

University of Colorado in Nepal

Temple University in Japan

The Universities of the South Pacific

Syracuse University in Hong Kong

Beijing Language and Culture University in Beijing, China

Long Island University - Friends World Programs in China, East Asia, and South Asia

Institute of Asian Studies Programs in Beijing and Hong Kong, China, Nagoya and Tokyo,Japan

Council for International Educational Exchange Programs in China, Indonesia, Japan,Thailand, and Vietnam

College Consortium for International Studies Programs in China, India,and Japan


Marymount College at University of Melbourne, Macquarie University and Manosh University

Butler University Programs in Australia and New Zealand

Colorado State University with Australearn Program

Northern Illinois University in Melbourne

Beaver College in Australia

Australian Education Connection in Australia

Institute of Asian Studies in Adelaide, Canberra

Council of International Educational Exchange Programs in Australia and New Zealand

College Consortium for International Studies Programs in Australia


Manhattanville College and the University of the Sacred Heart in Santurce, Puerto Rico has a long standing exchange program.

All courses are taught in Spanish and cover a variety of disciplines.

There are numerous study abroad opportunities throughout the Caribbean and Latin America. Students may study languages, common academic disciplines and partake in “field studies programs”. The Study Abroad Office has a plethora of information and contacts.

Institute of European Studies Programs in La Plata, Argentina

College Consortium for International Education Programs in Ecuador, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua

Center for International Educational Exchange Programs at the University of Guadalajara,

Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Santiago, Chile, Monteverde, Costa Rica, Santiago, and Dominican Republic

Butler University in Argentina and Chile

ITESM in Mexico Center for Bilingual Multicultural studies at the Universidad Autonoma del Estado de

Morelos in Cuernavaea, Mexico


A. England

Butler University – 21 different programs

College Consortium for International Studies London at Thames Valley

SUNY London Center

Boston University London

The American College London

Kings College London

University College London

Syracuse University London

Central College London

UW Madison London and Warwick

SUNY Brockport in London

University Delaware London

Oswego State University London at Thames Valley

Queen Mary and Westfield College University of London

Marymount College London Drama Program

Beaver College Institute of Economics and Political Studies London and Cambridge

University of New Hampshire Cambridge

Oakland University Oxford

SUNY Brockport in Oxford

University of Northumbria Newcastle

University of Liverpool

Drexel University at LIPA (Liverpool Institute of Performing Arts)

University of St. Andrews

Lancaster University

Leicester University

University of Reading

College Consortium for International Studies in Olmskirk

University of Wisconsin – Platteville

Duke University in England

The Institute of European Studies Programs

Council on International Educational Exchange Rutgers

B. Scotland

University of Glasgow

University of Stratthclyde Glasgow

Butler University in Scotland

Council on International Educational Exchange

The Institute of European Studies Programs

C. Holland

Center of European Studies in Maastricht

UW Madison in Utrecht

Council on International Educational Exchange

D. Belgium

Bentley College in Brussels

Penn State University in Leuven

Council on International Educational Exchange

E. Scandinavia

Denmark’s International Study Program – Copenhagen

UW Madison – Umea Sweden

UW Madison – Copenhagen

Lulea University – Sweden

University of Karlstad Sweden

F. Hungary, The Czech Republic and Poland

UW Madison in Budapest

Council on International Educational Exchange

Council on International Educational Exchange in Prague and Warsaw

G. Russia

UW Madison in Moscow

Boston University in Moscow

SUNY Brockport in Moscow

College Consortium for International Studies in Moscow

Duke University in St. Petersburg

The Institute of European Programs

Council on International Educational Exchange

World Capitals Program

Qualified students may apply for a semester in Santiago, Buenos Aires, Prague, Moscow, Jerusalem, Brussels, and South Africa through the American University “World Capitals Program”. These possibilities are all “cooperative programs” and allow students to take their Manhattanville financial aid with them. The Santiago and Buenos Aires possibilities require an advanced level of Spanish. Internships and/or field-work are available on most programs. Types of courses offered and housing arrangements vary by program.

  • Brussels

European Union (fall or spring)

International Marketing (fall)

  • Buenos Aires (fall)
  • Jerusalem (spring)
  • Moscow (fall or spring)
  • Prague

Cinema Studies (fall or spring)

Film Production (fall or spring)

Humanities & Social Science (fall or spring)

Photography (fall or spring)

  • Santiago (spring)
  • South Africa (fall)


The Manhattanville Internship Program offers students an important link between the academic and professional worlds. The College’s location in southern Westchester County, near New York City and Fairfield County, Connecticut, offers easy access to many nearby corporate, governmental and not-for-profit organizations, where students gain valuable experience in internships that complement their course work. The Center for Career Development assists students as they identify and apply for internship opportunities.

In order to be eligible to register an internship for credit, students must have the following requirements:

  • Completed 30 credits of coursework
  • Declared their major
  • Must be a matriculated student

After completing 30 credits, students can integrate their academic studies with supervised work experiences by doing an internship on a part-time basis during the academic year or on a full or part-time basis during the summer for academic credit. Students usually register for internships under their major departments and must secure a faculty advisor from that department. Working with their faculty advisor, students identify learning objectives and formulate an academic project related to the internship. The Center for Career Development also supports students in a variety of ways during their internship course and acts as a liaison between the student and employer. A maximum of nine internship credits may be applied to the degree.  

Internships for International Students

For Manhattanville’s international students, the Internship Program enhances the experience of studying abroad. In addition to the benefits of enriching course work with practical experience, internships provide international students with an introduction to U.S. businesses and professions. To be eligible for an internship, students must declare a major and complete 30 credits. The Office of International Student Services works closely with the Center for Career Development to ensure that all legal requirements are satisfied in arranging internships for international students.