Policies on Use of College Space

• Special arrangements must be made with CSIL and other offices in order to conduct an event prior to or beyond normal operating hours of the building and/or to decorate any of the facilities.

• The event may only use room(s) for their allotted time reservation. Reservation extensions must be confirmed with CSIL first.

• Any use of audio/video technology within rooms must be cleared with CSIL.

• Event organizers must be aware that all equipment and decorations (including event advertising materials, banners, posters, etc.) used in and for an event must be removed immediately after the event.

• Room furnishings CANNOT be moved in and out of the reserved space. Furniture may not be “borrowed” from nearby rooms. All boards must be erased clean and windows must be closed upon finishing.

• Any group that has reserved rooms and failed to use them or has shown disregard for equipment and facilities may be charged financially through their budget and/or denied further use of the rooms.

• All refuse and food/beverage leftovers must be removed and deposited in appropriate containers. Chartwells must be notified to collect food service equipment at completion of the event.

• All events held in residence halls must be in accordance with Quiet Hours that are observed between the hours of 1:00am and 10:00am on weekends and 10:00pm to 10:00am on weekdays. Courtesy Quiet Hours are in effect at all other times.

• The showing of films or videos in the areas listed above and all other “common” or “public” areas of Manhattanville campus must be approved by CSIL.

• The organization sponsoring an activity or event is responsible for the actions of guests and participants and must ensure that all applicable College regulations and state laws are upheld.

• Loose glitter may not be used as decorations at any time. Students must respect the physical space and College property at all times.

  • Any damage that occurs to College property while under a reservation/use will be billed directly to the host(s) organization(s) if no one takes responsibility.

General Guidelines
Persons making requests for space anywhere on campus should observe the following guidelines:

• All reservations must be made at least 3 weeks in advance via the completed Event Registration Form.

• Those requesting space involving food service should make preliminary arrangements with CSIL well in advance of the given event. All food/beverage requests must be approved by CSIL prior to the event. Chartwells is Manhattanville’s primary food provider and must supply food for events. Chartwells will contact CSIL if they authorize an outside food vendor.

• Generally, it is to the advantage of your club/organization to assign one person the responsibility for making and overseeing arrangements for College space use.

• When making arrangements for use of College space, it is important to detail as completely as possible all set-up needs that the event requires. Such items as chairs, tables, microphones, risers, lights, background music, etc. must be requested in advance of the event to ensure availability