Non-Manhattanville guests and/or invited institutions/organizations

• Students planning a social event on campus that invites guests not associated with the college must meet with the designated staff member from CSIL to discuss the event and how and where the event will be advertised.

• The host(s) of the event must submit a list of invited guests and/or institutions to the designated CSIL staff member at least one week prior to the event. Failure to do so may result in no guest policy for that event.

• The Center for Student Involvement & Leadership will share the list with appropriate college personnel (i.e. Residence Life, Dean of Students, and Campus Safety). If there is a potential problem the host will be contacted to discuss the event.

• For an invited institution/organization, CSIL will contact the appropriate personnel at the invited institution to discuss the guest policy and pertinent college rules and regulations.

• Students on the pre-approved guest list must present at the front gate a current valid Photo ID (driver’s license, passport, or State ID). If a guest’s name is not on the pre-approved guest list, the student will not be permitted to enter the campus.

• Guest lists must include the names of any off campus presenters (i.e. DJ, speaker, performer) and any support staff that is coming with the presenter. This must be submitted at least one week prior to the event.

DJs are limited to bringing 4 assistants for set-up, performance, or breakdown unless pre-approved by CSIL. CSIL reserves the right to request the DJ and their staff leave campus for any actions, decisions, behaviors, or comments that are disruptive.

• The following information needs to be included on the guest list:

• Hosts Name and Room Number (if a residential student)

• Guests Full Name (first and last), Guest Date of Birth and Guest Home Address (including, street, city and state)

• Guest contact information including email and phone number

• Will the guest attending the event be staying on campus overnight

** Please refer to the “Guest Policy (Residence Halls)” section of the Code of Community Conduct for Additional Information Regarding Manhattanville College’s Guest Policy