EDU5637 Secondary Literacy Practicum II: Grades Nine to Twelve

The candidate will apply his/her knowledge of the components of oral and written language to instruct a selected student with a unique profile of strengths and needs. The candidate will conduct curriculum-based assessments for the purpose of developing initial, measurable long-term goals and short-term instructional objectives based on the results of the assessment, plan and implement instruction based on these goals and objectives and the student's response to instruction, evaluate his/her own performance, and coach others in learning the above process. Course content will include informal assessment instruments for oral language, the core components of reading and selected components of writing, the interrelationships between oral language and written language, the analysis of informal oral and written language assessments, and research based methods that promote the development of oral language, the core components of reading and components of writing.




Prerequisite: EDU.5612