Undergraduate Academic Advising
The Office of Undergraduate Academic Advising is located in Founders Hall, and its professional staff serve as primary Academic Advisors for all first year students and sophomores at the College. Advisors are assigned to students according to their First Year Seminar group, so that all students enrolled in a seminar are assigned to a specific advisor. Advisors visit the First Year Seminar classes each semester and collaborate with the faculty for those courses throughout the year to create a team approach in working with first year students.
Our team of Academic Advisors educates students about the College’s policies, procedures, and expectations, and works with students both individually and in small groups to explore their interests and develop their academic and personal goals. Students will learn about the College’s degree requirements, course selection and registration process, curricular and co-curricular opportunities, and they will receive appropriate support and referrals to other campus resources as needed. When students declare their major during their first year or sophomore year, a faculty advisor in the major is also assigned to work with them along with their primary advisor. The Advising Office will assist other students in transitioning to a faculty advisor in their major at the end of the sophomore year, and will then continue to serve as a resource for all students through graduation.