Teacher Education at Manhattanville

Manhattanville's commitment to the Teacher Education programs in the School of Education is most vividly exemplified by the quality instruction offered by our caring and experienced faculty. The College's abiding concern for individual students is reflected in our personalized approach to teaching, advising and providing student support services. All programs offered are New York State Education approved and registered with the department.

This catalog is designed as a tool for planning a successful undergraduate teacher education program at Manhattanville College. Please read it carefully since it articulates Manhattanville's requirements for all undergraduate education students, whether matriculated into a program or taking non-degree courses. Students should follow the program plans of the Undergraduate Catalog that is in effect on the date of their matriculation.

The New York State Education Department (NYSED) oversees the licensing and certification of teachers through registered Teacher Education programs offered by NYS colleges, such as Manhattanville College. The Office of Teaching Initiatives, a division of NYSED, provides helpful information regarding certification requirements on their website at http://www.highered.nysed.gov/tcert/