Letter from the President

July, 2018

Dear Undergraduate Student in the School of Education,

I am pleased to welcome you to Manhattanville College and our outstanding NCATE-accredited School of Education!

As you may know, Manhattanville was established by the Sisters of the Society of the Sacred Heart back in 1841. That Catholic organization dates back to the years after the French Revolution, when Sister Madeleine Sophie Barat founded the order with the goal of educating young women as a way of inoculating them against extremist ideologies of any kind, specifically terrorist ideologies like the “Reign of Terror” imposed on France by Maximilien Robespierre, in which thousands of innocent people lost their lives.

Though Manhattanville College has been nonsectarian and coeducational for many years, the basic values of its founders – dialogue, relationships, communication and networks, community life, and a focus on education and young people - have only gained in urgency in recent years. So, in a very real sense, Manhattanville College and its mission were built around the mission of the School of Education, even before education programs began to be offered.

As you will quickly find out, one of the distinguishing characteristics of our School of Education is an emphasis on an experiential approach to learning, putting students in real-life classroom situations at a very early stage. Our biggest asset, however, is our faculty, each and every one of them a highly qualified teacher-scholar with a deep professional and personal interest in their students’ success.

The Manhattanville School of Education has the type of programs and curriculum that meets your needs.

I look forward to welcoming you to the Manhattanville Campus in person.


Michael E. Geisler, Ph.D.
