International Students

Any applicant who is not a citizen of the United States and who does not qualify as a legal resident or resident allowed by Congress to adopt the United States as his/her domicile while at Laredo College must meet the admissions requirements for International students. Compliance with all additional requirements, procedures, and restrictions established for the student visa category by the United States Immigration and Custom Enforcement (ICE) is required for enrollment. Students may apply for an F-1 VISA or an M-1 VISA.  Students who are under an F-1 VISA are in an academic program, often with a core academic curriculum and can change their major or program of study.  Students who are under an M-1 VISA are in a vocational program, typically without a core academic curriculum and cannot change their major or program of study.  For more information on the type of VISA students may visit

Student Visa Processing Deadlines

  • Fall Semester (Aug-Dec): June 20
  • Spring Semester (Jan-May): October 30
  • Summer (Jun-Jul): March 4

Applicants must meet the deadlines listed above. If deadlines are not met, the student’s documentation will not be processed in time for student to register for that session/semester.

General Requirements:

Admissions will be granted for full-time status (12 or more semester credit hours) and for Border Commuter students (students that reside 75 miles from the border). Students must apply for a student visa under the following conditions before an I-20 is issued:

  • Submit a completed application to the Office of the Registrar and Admissions or by completing the application on-line at or Students name must be as it appears on their Passport.
  • Students need to declare which program of study they will be pursuing and which type of VISA they will be applying for prior to the issuance of an I-20.
  • Foreign high school transcripts that are not in English must have a translation and an evaluation completed by an agency of the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES). Evaluations by other agencies not listed on the NACES website will not be accepted. Original transcripts will be kept at the Office of the Registrar and Admissions a list of NACES agencies can be found at
  • Students transferring from another college or university need to have meet college level reediness and do not require an evaluation of their foreign high school transcripts only their official college transcript from an Accredited U.S. Institution for admissions.
  • Complete a Memorandum of Understanding Form. This form outlines specific enrollment and transfer requirements for International students.
  • We also recommend that you schedule your TOEFL exam during the application process. Visit the TOEFL test website to schedule the test in your home country at Passing scores are 500 for the written test and 61 for the internet based (TOEFL iBT). Other TOEFL scores will not be accepted.
  • Complete a Student’s Financial Responsibility Statement. Proof of financial support documentation is required which includes Family Bank statements or sponsors bank statements for the three most recent months from the date the documentation is submitted including a sponsor's letter stating that the sponsor will financially support the student during their course of study.  If the student is pending documentation from the packet the Financial Responsibility Statement information, then the student will need to update their financial statements to reflect the new date of document submission.  For further information on Financial Ability visit
  • Students requesting a re-issuance of an I-20 must submit revised financial support documents if they are making any changes to their I-20. If a student makes any changes or updates to their personal information such as: change in physical address, mailing address or name change the student only has 10 days to make those changes with the Office of Admissions as per Student Exchange and Visitors Program Student Records and Reporting.
  • All documentation required must be submitted 30 to 60 days prior to the beginning of the semester or session that the student is planning to attend.
  • Admission to Laredo College does not imply financial support for International Students. Each student is responsible for acquiring his/her health insurance, supplying his/her own living quarters; food and other personal expenses.
  • International Student Document Checklist includes, TOEFL Scores, Evaluated High School Transcript, Copy of VALID Passport, Memorandum of Understanding, Statement of Financial Responsibility, Letter of Sponsorship, Bank Statements (most recent 3 months), Proof of Health Insurance (optional but highly recommended), Copy of I-20 signed by PDSO/DSO.
  • Student must submit a completed international student packet by completing the document checklist that is required for all First Time and Transfer Students; this checklist outlines all the documentation that is required to be submitted by the student in order to obtain an I-20. This form must be attached to all the documentation brought in by the student. The student packet is not complete until all documents are received. Partial documentation will not be accepted under any circumstances for all first time and transferring students, this also applies to students who are planning to enroll in certain college programs or are participating in Athletics. All forms are available at the Office of Admissions.

TOEFL Exemptions

  • Student’s must show English Proficiency; if a student is taking courses at a Language Institute the Office of the Registrar and Admissions will need the original certificate of completion of the program stating they have met the English Proficiency requirements for admissions, this documentation of completion may be used in place of the TOEFL.
  • Student’s transferring to Laredo College from another institution may use college level course work if earned from a U.S. Accredited Institution.  Student must show proof on an official transcript of earning a C or better in order to substitute TOEFL exam requirements.
  • Student who has graduated from a U.S Accredited High School (4 years) does not require the TOEFL.
  • Certificate of High School Equivalency from a U.S. Accredited Agency (GED English) may also be used.

Countries Exempt from the TOEFL Exam

American Samoa







New Zealand



Canada (except Quebec)

Sierra Leone




United Kingdom

Grand Cayman

U.S. Pacific Trust

How do I obtain an I-20 SEVIS Form?

Upon the receipt of the required documents, the Designated School Official (DSO) for the College will prepare the student visa document, the I-20 form - Student and Exchange Visitor Information Systems (SEVIS). Compliance with college policy/procedures and the rules of ICE will be enforced. The I-20 form will be forwarded to the applicant through regular mailing services. The I-20 form will not be given to a third party without the expressed written consent of the applicant. The student must take the I-20 form to the U.S. Embassy of their native country for approval.

Document Verification

The student will be responsible to submit the following documents to the Office of the Registrar and Admissions for verification. Documents need to be verified prior to the student being allowed to register for classes.

Student SEVIS Record Student Registration

If a student does not report to a school within 30 days, the students SEVIS record will be canceled if the Designated School Official cannot verify that the student was admitted into the United States or the student’s SEVIS record will be terminated for No Show.

International Student Transfer Admissions

Students may request transfer from another institution to Laredo College, or from this college to another institution under the provisions of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) rules. Students must request this process three weeks prior to the first class day for the semester/session for which they intend to enroll. An F-1 student is eligible to transfer if the student:

  1. Is a bona fide non-immigrant student (in-state);
  2. Has been attending a full course of study;
  3. Is in good academic standing with the institution;
  4. Intends to pursue a full course of study at the institution to which the student intends to transfer; and
  5. Is financially able to attend the institution to which the student intends to transfer.
  6. Students transferring must meet the same admissions general requirements for all International Students as stated above and need to submit the required documentation.
  7. Students need to submit a transfer in form that needs to be signed by the students International Student Office PDSO/DSO that shows that they are in good academic standing with the institution.  This document is available at the Office of the Registrar and Admissions.

Transfer from Another Institution to Laredo College

In order to request and be approved for transfer to Laredo College from another institution:

  1. The student must be eligible to transfer by meeting attendance and full course of study criteria.
  2. The student must complete his/her file for full admission to the College and request the issuance of an I-20 and meet all Admissions General Requirements for International Students.
  3. Upon issuance of the new I-20, the student must return the I-20 issued at the previous institution to the Laredo College Designated School Official.
  4. The student will be responsible for initial notification to the original institution of his/her intent to transfer.

International Students - On-Campus Employment


  • May work at any qualifying on-campus job that does not displace a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident (LPR) and as long as the work directly provides services for students.
  • May work up to 20 hours per week while school is in session (full-time during those periods when school is not in session or during the annual break).
  • Active F-1 students may apply for on-campus employment up to 30 days before the start of classes. In order to apply, talk to your DSO.
  • Should report their work to the Designated School Official and receive a certification letter to present to the Social Security Administration in order to be able to receive a Social Security number.
  • On-campus employment expires when the student graduates or transfers to another institution or when the date of employment ends.  If your DSO knows you are working without permission, they must report it through SEVIS, meaning your SEVIS record will be terminated. That means that you will have to leave the United States immediately, and you may not be allowed to return.
  • Students who are on a F-1 Border Commuter VISA are not eligible for on-campus employment.

Not complying with these guidelines may result in a violation of status that could result in the F-1 student having to leave the United States.

For more information please refer to:

Study in the States:

U.S Immigration and Customs Enforcement Student and Exchange Visitor Program Employment.

International Students - Off-Campus Employment

Off-campus employment for international students is employment that is for economic need and does not necessarily have to relate to the student's academic course of study. Student must have remained enrolled for at least one academic year and in good academic standing before United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) will authorize. USCIS makes case-by-case decisions for off-campus employment for students who can show that new, unexpected circumstances beyond their control have created severe economic hardship. These may include the following:

  • Loss of financial aid or on-campus employment (if the student is not at fault)
  • Large increases in tuition or living costs
  • Substantial decrease in the relative value of currency the student depends upon to pay expenses
  • Unexpected changes in the financial conditions for a student's sources of financial support
  • Unexpectedly large medical bills not covered by insurance
  • Emergent Circumstances

An international student attending Laredo College under a Student Visa must be enrolled full-time at Laredo College in order to qualify for student employment. Students who are on a F-1 Border Commuter VISA are not eligible for off-campus employment.  For more information please refer to

Transfer from Laredo College to Another Institution

The student will notify the DSO, in writing, of his/her intent to transfer as soon as possible after making the decision to do so. Notification from a third party will not be accepted. Students transferring out need to submit the following documents:

  • Acceptance Letter showing that the student has been accepted at another institution.
  • Transfer out form to be filled out by PDSO/DSO or letter from school official at the other institution requesting to transfer their SEVIS/I-20 record.

International Student Concurrent Enrollment

International students from other institutions who are interested in taking courses at Laredo College while enrolled at their home institution need to provide the following information every semester they intend to enroll.  Students need to keep in mind that it is not a transfer they are doing. 

  • Student’s VISA
  • Student’s Passport
  • Student’s I-20
  • Letter from International student office of students’ home school granting permission to enroll for the term the student wishes to attend.

International Student Reinstatement

Students whose F-1 status has been terminated for failure to maintain USCIS guidelines, maintain satisfactorily academic progress or have failed to enroll for the required academic semester will be required to file petition for reinstatement. For additional information, please visit the USCIS website at

The USCIS Service Center will process the request for reinstatement and notify the student of the decision to reinstate him/her to student status or of other action to be initiated regarding the student’s non-immigrant status.

The Office of Admissions does not fill out or submit any documentation on behalf of the student to USCIS.  Students are ultimately responsible for their reinstatement and checking on their status.  All status updates must be reported to the Office of the Registrar and Admissions.