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Career Services

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Career Services is committed to empowering, preparing and positioning Kean University students and alumni to identify and achieve their career goals. We equip students with the tools and skills needed for lifelong career development. We explore career options and pathways, develop career readiness skills for the 21st century, create connections between employers, students and alumni, and provide high quality internships and professional employment opportunities.

Whether you are a freshman looking to identify interests and strengths, a sophomore or junior looking for an internship, or a senior exploring full-time career opportunities, Career Services is here to help you compete in today's changing job market.

We offer a variety of services, including assessing your strengths and interests to put you on a career path, résumé critiques, mock interviews, job search skills, career readiness and more. We also bring employers to campus at events including Career & Internship Fairs, Part-Time Job Fairs, workshops, and on campus recruitment tables. We also connect employers, students and alumni at Alumni Career Networking events.

Internships are the new interview- and Kean has increased its commitment by offering opportunities to intern for credit in all undergraduate majors. We provide access to opportunities through Kean’s Online Employment & Internship Portal with weekly listings from local, state, national and international employers. We help students apply for internships and then provide a seminar on Internship Essentials to make sure they have the skills to thrive in their internship.

Alumni benefit from Career Services as well, as Kean is one of the few universities to offer career services free of charge to alumni. And alumni can recruit their diverse workforce and interns through Kean’s Career Services as well.