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Deregistration for non-attendance

Students are expected to attend and participate in classes in which they are registered according to the attendance policy set forth in this catalog and on their respective professors' syllabi.  It is a student's responsibility to register and/or withdraw from class(es).  On occasion, students are listed as enrolled in classes in which they registered, never participated, and never withdrew. After the add/drop period ends each semester, professors are asked to flag students who have never attended or participated in a registered class.  Effective fall 2017, such student will be deregistered from those classes, graded with a mark of "NA", have the tuition charges reversed for those respective classes, and may have their financial aid reduced or canceled for those classes.  Such students will be charged a fee of $250 charged in any semester where one or more "NA" marks is/are added to the student record.  Note the mark of "NA" does not compute in the student's GPA; consult the grading table in this catalog for further details.

When degregistration occur, affected students are notified via email. They will be provided with information within said email regarding adjustments to their individualized tuition, aid, and registration as a result of their never attended status. Said email provides instructions and deadlines if the student needs to appeal their deregistration and plans to adhere to the attendance policy.