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Academic Integrity Policy

(Approved by Kean University Board of Trustees June 25, 2012)

Kean University is aware of and sensitive to the pressures exerted by peers and family, work environment, the academic process, and society in general, and is committed to creating an environment in which academic integrity is supported and academic dishonesty is not tolerated. To that end, the University has taken steps to ensure that all members of the academic community are fully aware of the Academic Integrity Policy by: widely distributing the policy, posting it on the University’s website, identifying material on all course syllabi, and providing training to increase awareness of Academic Integrity issues among all members of the Kean University Community.

Thus, administrators, staff, Board of Trustees Members, and faculty at Kean University have an obligation to support academic integrity by ensuring that all members of the University community understand:

  • What constitutes academic integrity
  • How to prevent academic dishonesty
  • What sanctions are imposed for academic dishonesty
  • What consequences ensue as a result of such sanctions, and
  • What process is used to impose those sanctions

All members of the Kean Community shall actively engage in the academic process. In order to ensure compliance with the Academic Integrity Policy, administrators, faculty, staff, librarians, and students should:

  • Represent their identity truthfully in all situations
  • Protect their materials, including papers, tests, and other academic exercises, from unauthorized access
  • Protect their means of access to resources, including computer passwords and library access codes, from unauthorized use of the system
  • Respect the work of others by acknowledging their words, ideas, opinions, theories, data, programs, and other intellectual material in accordance with the guidelines of the discipline or other faculty instruction
  • Report data or source information accurately
  • Refuse to participate in activities that violate the Academic Integrity Policy
  • Read, understand, and comply with the code of ethics and/or clinical code of their chosen discipline, and
  • Represent their mastery of material truthfully and accurately.

The complete Kean University Academic Integrity Policy is found on the Kean website at: or obtain a copy from the Office of Academic Affairs in K-107.