Degree Types Offered

An organized program of study at Kalamazoo Valley Community College normally leads to a degree or a certificate that signifies completion of a prescribed program with certain educational and/or occupational goals. Our programs are listed by pathways which are major categories in which all occupations can be grouped. The occupations within a pathway share similar characteristics, and the people working within these occupations share common interests, strengths, and competencies. The listings are further subdivided by the type of degree or certificate awarded in each area. It is best to consult a counselor before enrolling in courses for a program and throughout your studies. Kalamazoo Valley awards the following:

Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree

A degree requiring completion of 62 credit hours or more, preparing the graduate for immediate employment.

An associate of applied science degree is normally granted for various curricula that are occupational in orientation and are designed to prepare graduates for immediate employment. In many cases, these curricula can also apply toward an advanced degree, but this is dependent on baccalaureate degree-granting institutions and is not the prime consideration in the design of curricula. The curricula for this degree have been developed with the help of various advisory committees that are knowledgeable in the specific career field. Requirements are frequently updated as knowledge and skills in these careers change.

Associate of Arts (AA) degree

A degree requiring completion of 62 credit hours or more, preparing the graduate to transfer to a baccalaureate degree-granting college or university.

An associate of arts degree is normally granted to students who complete the curricula in education or liberal arts. This degree allows students to follow a general program of interdisciplinary study in the liberal arts or combination of liberal arts and career courses. If you are planning to transfer to a four-year college or university, this degree will generally meet all requirements for admission to the junior class. It is best to consult a counselor.

Only a sampling of these degrees are listed in this catalog. It is strongly recommended that you see a counselor if you are interested in transferring after you leave Kalamazoo Valley.

Associate of Science (AS) degree

A degree requiring completion of 62 credit hours or more, preparing the graduate to transfer to a baccalaureate degree-granting college or university.

An associate of science degree is normally granted to students who complete the curricula in computer science, pre-engineering or pre-science. As in the case of the associate of arts degree, these students will generally be admitted as juniors to baccalaureate degree-granting institutions, but close examination of the appropriate curricula is most important. 

Only a sampling of these degrees are listed in this catalog. It is strongly recommended that you see a counselor if you are interested in transferring after you leave Kalamazoo Valley.

Certificate (CERT) program

A one-year certificate requiring completion of 30 credit hours or more, preparing the graduate for a specialized occupation.

A certificate is normally reserved for the development of an employment skill. In addition to the certificate programs identified here, others may be developed to meet academic needs or particular employment goals. Requirements are frequently updated as knowledge and skills in these careers change.

Certificate of Achievement (COA) program

Certificate of achievement programs require more than three but less than 30 hours of credit, providing training in a specific set of job or employment skills.

Certificates of achievement meet the increasing demand by employers for certification of specific skills. Kalamazoo Valley may develop new programs to document specific employment skills to meet current employment market demands.

Career Academy Certificate (KVCA) program

A non-credit competency based certification earned through a career academy, providing training in a specific set of skills for employment in a specific occupation.

Career academies are designed by employers to focus on helping students gain the competencies required for entry-level employment in a variety of fields of work. Career academies are fast track, non-credit courses which require individual screening for admission.