Catalog Term Limits

Purpose: To establish guidelines for declaring and changing a program of study, thereby facilitating timely progress to degree completion that is consistent with industry standards and accreditation guidelines.


  Catalog Term - academic semester in which one is admitted or declares a new program of study

  Program of Study - area of study with a prescribed number of courses and credits in a specific academic subject

  Stop Out - student who does not re-enroll for one semester or more (not including summer term)

A catalog term is determined when a student applies for admission to the college. During the application process a student chooses the term that they plan to enroll and their declared program of study. A student will follow the program requirements approved for that term. A student can update their catalog term to the current term if it benefits the student but cannot use a backdated catalog term. When choosing to update a program of study, the current most up-to-date catalog term will be used.

Students who elect to change to a new program of study will be required to enter the current catalog term.

Students who stop out for 2 years or more will be required to follow the catalog term in effect the semester upon re-enrollment.

Students cannot graduate out of a catalog term that is greater than 8 years old. When a student has reached the 8 year limit, they will be required to update their catalog term with advising/counseling. The updated catalog term chosen should have the most benefit to the student as possible, whether it be updated to the following catalog term or the current term. (Ex. If a program has drastically changed over the span of 2-3 years, the student's completed coursework would not be applicable to the current catalog's approved program of study but does apply to a catalog term one semester after the eight-year mark).

A student may appeal at any point in the process. The initial appeal will be made in writing to the Admissions, Registration & Records Office. A review board will be established to address catalog term limit appeals. 

Responsibility: Advising/counseling will be responsible for updating a student's catalog term and program of study. The degree auditor will be responsible for confirming that catalog terms are within the 8 year window for graduation purposes.

Adopted: December 17, 2019