2014-2015 Undergraduate Bulletin

Health Professions Advisor

Edgardo Sanabria-Valentín, Ph.D.

Room 5.61, New Building




Students interested in pursuing careers in the health professions - medicine (MD and DO), dentistry, optometry, podiatry or veterinary medicine, among others - are able to fulfill the necessary academic requirements at John Jay. Anyone considering these careers should consult with the health professions advisor at least twice a semester, every semester. The advisor will assist these students in planning their academic programs, organizing appropriate extracurricular activities, and taking advantage of the resources available through John Jay to achieve their goals. Most health professional schools require all applicants to have a fundamental knowledge of biology, chemistry, physics and mathematics and to have taken college-level courses on these topics. It is strongly advised that students begin science preparation in the freshman year with BIO 103BIO 104, CHE 103CHE 104, and MAT 241MAT 242. These subjects are also part of the standardized tests that applicants take at the end of their junior year for admission to health professional schools. Because test results, applications and the advisor’s letter of recommendation are usually forwarded to schools by the beginning of senior year, students applying to these programs must meet with their health professions advisor regularly to coordinate this process. Appointments can be set up on the Academic Advising website.