2014-2015 Undergraduate Bulletin

CHE 103 General Chemistry I

71/2 hours: 3 hours lecture, 11/2 hours recitation, 3 hours laboratory 

This is a basic course in chemistry dealing with modern atomic and molecular theory. It introduces the basic properties and reactions of the elements and the compounds, which will be explored in greater detail in General Chemistry II. Laboratory exercises stress principles of qualitative and semi-quantitative experimentation. They will foster a better understanding of chemical principles and ensure that the necessary skills are developed to work in a scientific laboratory safely and effectively. This course is designed for students with a science background and for Forensic Science and Fire Science majors. Regents level high school chemistry is highly desired.




Placement into MAT 141 or higher, or placement into MAT 104 or MAT 105 and a score of 80% or higher on the New York State Chemistry Regents. Students who did not take the Chemistry Regents will need departmental permission.


This course satisfies the Required Core: Life and Physical Sciences area or the Flexible Core: Scientific World area of the Gen Ed Program. This course has a $25.00 material fee.