2014-2015 Graduate Bulletin

Master of Public Administration: Inspection and Oversight

Director: Professor Warren Benton

The mission of the Master of Public Administration in Inspection and Oversight Program at John Jay College of Criminal Justice is to prepare students for public service careers in inspection and oversight organizations and to advance the study of Public Administration through scholarly and applied research and community service. The program seeks to inspire students to the highest ideals of citizenship and public service, reinforced by a commitment to accountability, transparency, and equity. The program offers students opportunities to acquire professional and political knowledge and skills, based on academic studies, public service experience and partnerships with faculty in scholarly endeavors.

Specializations are offered in the following fields:

  • Forensic Accounting
  • Organizational Assessment and Monitoring
  • International Inspection and Oversight
  • Investigation and Operational Inspection
  • Law and Inspection and Oversight
  • Justice Policy and Oversight (Honors Specialization)
  • Independent and Contractual Inspection and Oversight

Degree Requirements

Students enrolled in the MPA in Inspection and Oversight Program are required to complete 42 course credits. Students are also required to pass the qualifying examination (MPAQE), which is administered as a part of PAD 700. Complete information about the MPAQE is found at the John Jay College website. Students are advised to complete PAD 700 and two other core foundation courses, PAD 706 and PAD 723, within the first 15 credits of matriculation.

Failure to complete any of the requirements described in the paragraph above will result in a student not being permitted to register for future classes without the explicit permission of the program director.

Additional information. Students who enrolled for the first time at the College in September 2011 or thereafter must complete the program in the form presented in this bulletin. Students who enrolled prior to that date and have consistently maintained matriculation, may choose the form shown here or the version of the program (The Master of Public Administration Inspector-General Track) in place at their time of enrollment.

Required Courses

PAD 700Public Administration


PAD 723Assessments, Audits and Investigations in Human Resources


PAD 706Bureaupathology


PAD 740Public Sector Inspection and Oversight


PAD 742Public Sector Accounting and Auditing


PAD 758Ethics, Integrity and Accountability


PAD 771Capstone Seminar


Total Credit Hours:21

PAD 742: Prerequisite: PAD 740

Note: No course can be used to satisfy a foundation requirement and a specialization requirement. With permission of the Program Director, students may substitute PAD 723 for PAD 702 and PAD 706 for PAD 705.

Research Methods and Quantitative Skills

Note: Students must complete a course from each of the following categories:

Research Methods

PAD 715Research Methods in Public Administration



ACC 715Analytical Methods in Inspection and Oversight


Quantitative Methods and Information Management

PAD 713Management of Information Technology


PAD 745Program Development and Evaluation


PAD 747/CRJ 747Computer Applications in Public Policy and Management


PAD 770Cases and Techniques in Quantitative Policy Analysis


ACC 701Analytical Methods in Inspection and Oversight


Total Credit Hours:6

PAD 713, PAD 747, PAD 770: There is no course prerequisite for PAD 747 or PAD 713. However, computer skills and experience are assumed for PAD 713. Students who need additional computer skills will be directed by the program director to other places in the College where they may be obtained. PAD 715 is a prerequisite for PAD 745 and PAD 770.

Specialization and Elective Courses

A three-course specialization is required, along with two elective courses. Students should declare a specialization upon the completion of 12 credits. Except where otherwise noted, students must complete a specialization by completing three courses designated for the specialization including each course designated as required. PAD 780 (Internship), PAD 755 (Writing for Management) and a PAD 800-level course can also be used to complete any specialization, but may not substitute for a course required for the specialization. Dual specializations are permissible if the student has fulfilled the requirements of both specializations.

Total Credit Hours:15

Select one specialization:

Forensic Accounting

This specialization prepares students for careers in forensic accounting or financial investigation. It is intended for students who seek to complete the Advanced Certificate in Forensic Accounting.

ACC 715 Analytical Methods in Inspection and Oversight must be completed as the second Research Methods and Quantitative Methods course. ACC 710 Advanced Financial Reporting must be substituted for PAD 742.

Required Courses: Select Three
ACC 702Strategic Cost Management


ACC 703Advanced Taxation


ACC 705Forensic Accounting and Auditing


ACC 720Advanced Auditing with Analytical Applications


Completing the Advanced Certificate:

Each student who is admitted to the Advanced Certificate Program will be provided an Official Program of Study, signed by the MPA in Inspection and Oversight Program Director, the Advanced Certificate in Forensic Accounting Director, and the Director of Graduate Admissions, specifying the student’s program requirements, and specifying how the student’s course of study satisfies the CPA 150 requirements.

Organizational Assessment and Monitoring

This specialization prepares students to assess, evaluate and monitor the performance of public and not-for-profit agencies. The specialization is particularly appropriate for students interested in professional careers in performance auditing and regulation. This specialization has two required courses.

Required Courses
PAD 714Organizational Performance Assessment


PAD 745Program Development and Evaluation


PAD 701Fraud, Abuse, Waste and Corruption


PAD 726The Politics and Process of Outsourcing


PAD 731Oversight by Independent, Regulatory and Political Authorities


PAD 732The Independent Sector: Contemporary Issues in Nonprofits and Philanthropy

PAD 741Administrative Law and Regulation


PAD 748Project Management


PAD 749Public Sector Accounting and Auditing II


PAD 770Cases and Techniques in Quantitative Policy Analysis


PAD 749: PAD 742 is a prerequisite.

PAD 770: PAD 715 is a prerequisite.

International Inspection and Oversight

This specialization examines how inspection and oversight are conducted in international and multinational contexts.

This specialization has two required courses.

Required Courses
PAD 718International Public Policy and Administration


PAD 772International Inspection and Oversight


CRJ 744Terrorism and Politics


CRJ 759Comparative Police Administration


CRJ 774Immigration and Crime


CRJ 779The Female Offender in Western Society


PAD 746Comparative Public Administration


Investigation and Operational Inspection

This specialization prepares students for responsibilities involving the investigation and inspection of individual and organizational conduct and performance in public agencies, with an emphasis on fraud, waste and abuse. The specialization has two required courses.

Required Courses
CRJ 754/PAD 754Investigative Techniques


PAD 701Fraud, Abuse, Waste and Corruption


CRJ 739Crime Mapping


CRJ 751Crime Scene Investigation


PAD 706Bureaupathology


PAD 710The Ethical and Legal Environment of Public Employment


PAD 726The Politics and Process of Outsourcing


PAD 732The Independent Sector: Contemporary Issues in Nonprofits and Philanthropy

PAD 745Program Development and Evaluation


PAD 749Public Sector Accounting and Auditing II


PAD 749: PAD 742 is a prerequisite.

Law and Inspection and Oversight

This specialization prepares students to apply management and policy concepts and skills in a legal environment.

Required Courses
PAD 741Administrative Law and Regulation



At least 6 credits of law courses completed at the CUNY Law School or other law schools.

Law Courses during MPA Studies:

Students enrolled in the MPA Program in Public Policy and Administration may complete the Law and Public Management specialization by completing nine credits of courses approved by the MPA Program Director. The course will concern legal research, criminal and civil procedure, and/or public institutions and the law.

The CUNY Law School will permit John Jay MPA students – who meet academic qualifications noted below – to register for CUNY Law courses, from among those specified in a “advising list” available from the Specialization Advisor, Professor Dan Feldman (dfeldman@jjay.cuny.edu). To be permitted to take classes at CUNY Law School, an MPA student must have maintained a GPA of at least 3.5 and have completed PAD 741, Administrative Law, with a grade of A or A-.

Law Courses from Law School:

Students may also complete this specialization while attending law school after partially completing the MPA at John Jay. Students must apply to, and by accepted at, law school while enrolled in the MPA Program in Inspection and Oversight, and complete their specialization while attending law school. Subject to the approval of the program director, 12 credits of law courses concerning legal research, civil and criminal procedure, and other topics related to inspection and oversight, may be transferred for credit. Students must also pass the MPA Qualifying Examination and the Capstone Course and fulfill any other remaining requirements for the MPA degree. Students who have completed coursework in law school prior to enrollment in the MPA Program in Inspection and Oversight may apply to the program director to transfer up to 12 credits from law school toward this concentration. Courses in either version of this specialization may be taken at CUNY Law School at Queens College, The City University of New York, or at other law schools offering comparable courses.

Justice Policy Analysis (Honors Specialization)

This specialization prepares students as policy analysts in justice and inspection/oversight contexts. Admission is limited to students with a GPA of 3.5 or above, a grade of 3.5 or above in PAD 715, and GREV and GREQ scores comparable to those required by the CUNY Doctoral Program in Criminal Justice. Courses are completed in the Policy, Oversight and Administration (CRJPOA) Track of the CUNY Doctoral Program in Criminal Justice, or in cross-listed John Jay College graduate course sections. Students already admitted to the CRJPOA track who seek the MPA degree may satisfy their MPA specialization with doctoral-level versions of these courses. Student who complete these courses and who are subsequently admitted to the CRJPOA track may satisfy CRJPOA course requirements with these courses.

Required Courses
CRJU 88100
Criminology and Public Policy

CRJU 84100
Advanced Policy Analysis

ACC 715Analytical Methods in Inspection and Oversight


Independent and Contractual Inspection and Oversight

This specialization examines inspection and oversight by private and non-governmental organizations, usually acting as agents of public officials, agencies or authorities, focusing on governmentally or judicially authorized contracts, regulations or settlements. Examples include independent private sector inspections general (IPSIGs), and court-appointed or contractually-mandated monitors.

Required Courses
PAD 731Oversight by Independent, Regulatory and Political Authorities


CRJ 754/PAD 754Investigative Techniques


PAD 701Fraud, Abuse, Waste and Corruption


PAD 706Bureaupathology


PAD 726The Politics and Process of Outsourcing


PAD 732The Independent Sector: Contemporary Issues in Nonprofits and Philanthropy

PAD 745Program Development and Evaluation


PAD 749Public Sector Accounting and Auditing II


Total Credit Hours: 42