SOC 300 Social Inequality

Prerequisite: SOC 101 or SOC 215 or permission of the instructor. An examination of the organization of social inequality in society. Major theoretical and research problems in the study of stratification; the forms and functions, characteristics, correlates and consequences of stratification; the distribution of wealth and power; and the relationship of social stratification to social mobility, ideology, and societal institutions.




Spring Semester

SOC 308 Sociology of Sexuality

Prerequisite: SOC 101 or SOC 215 or permission of the instructor. An examination of how sexuality is constructed and regulated within a set of cultural and organizational arrangements. Emphasis is on examining the role of dominant paradigms embedded in U.S. institutions such as family, work, politics, military and religion.




Spring Semester (Even Years)

SOC 310 Topics in Sociology

Prerequisite: Completion of SOC 101 or SOC 215 with a grade of C- or above or permission of the instructor. An examination of relevant concepts, issues, theories and research literature pertaining to a selected substantive area in sociology. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.




Either Semester

SOC 311 Sociology of Gender

Prerequisite: SOC 101 or SOC 215 or permission of the instructor. A critical assessment of gender at both the individual and institutional level. Prominent gender theories and research methods will be compared, as will intersections of gender with race/ethnicity and class. Key institutions that may be analyzed include family, work, military, media, politics, and religion.




Fall Semester

SOSW 312 Addictions

Prerequisites: SOC 101 or SOC 215 or SOWK 201 or permission of the instructor. An examination of current social scientific research and theory about different forms of addiction such as alcohol and other drugs, gambling, pornography, sex, food, and the internet. Students gain both a sociological understanding of addiction in its different forms and as familiarity with current programs, policies, and social work practice models for addressing addiction.




As Needed

SOC 318 Global Social Problems

Prerequisites: SOC 101 or SOC 215 or permission of the instructor. An analysis of social problems in a global context. The first part of the course focuses on the economic, political and cultural changes that produce changes between and within countries. The second part focuses on the problems associated with globalization, including poverty; disease; environmental degradation; terrorism and war; gender inequality, overpopulation; and environmental degradation.




Global Perspectives


Fall Semester

SOC 323 Race and Ethnicity in the United States

Prerequisite: SOC 101 or SOC 215 or permission of the instructor. This course critically explores how race and ethnicity are socially constructed concepts and how these concepts manifest themselves in American society and our own personal lives. We will explore sociological principles that impact racial and ethnic relations and evaluate how racism, xenophobia, ethnocentrism, and discrimination have shaped experiences among all of us.




Spring Semester

SOC 335 Teaching Assistantship in Sociology

Prerequisites: Junior or senior standing and permission of the course instructor. Assist with a sociology course at the 100 or 200 level. Teaching assistants attend all classes and may also lead discussions and review sessions, tutor students, assist with grading, show films, teach a class, and other tasks as assigned; they will also meet periodically with the instructor. Grading is on an S/U basis.




Either Semester

SOC 353 Deviance and Social Control

Prerequisite: SOC 101 or SOC 215 or permission of the instructor. A social constructionist approach to explaining non-normative behavior and its consequences. Analysis includes contextual processes affecting definitions of deviance and individual and institutional social control responses. Topics include substance use, family violence, body modification, belief systems, sexuality, mental disorders, physical disabilities and suicide.




As Needed

SOC 375 Independent Study

Prerequisites: 6 credits in sociology and permission of the instructor. Reading and/or research in a selected field of sociology.


1.0 - 3.0


Both Semesters and Summer

SOC 397 Special Topics

An upper-level special topics course offered at the discretion of the department. The content and methods vary with the interest of students and faculty members.




As needed

SOC 399 Internship

Prerequisites: 12 hours of sociology and permission of the department. Participation in a social action, research, advocacy, human service or other organization related to student's interests and/or career goals. Site approval and components of each student's internship must be approved by and coordinated with the department faculty. Grading is on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis.


3.0 - 15.0


Both Semesters and Summer