ARTT - Art Therapy

ARTT 301 Art Therapy I

Prerequisites: ARTS 101 or ARTS 123, PSY 101, and junior standing; or permission of the instructor. This course provides an introduction to the art therapy profession including its history and development, fundamentals of the creative process, applications in various settings, and the ethics of practice. Students are introduced to art therapy through experientials, didactic instruction, reading, writing, and their own art making for self-expression and exploration of responses. Professional skills are examined, and personal qualities. 




Fall Semester

ARTT 302 Art Therapy II

Prerequisite: ARTT 301This course explores the theory, approaches, techniques, and applications of the art therapy profession emphasizing the relationship between fine art, art education, psychology, counseling, and art therapy. Students will examine how the art part and therapy part of art therapy interface as well as applications, theory and technique-based approaches in relation to population, settings, mode and related professions.




Spring Semester

ARTT 399 Art Therapy Internship

Prerequisites: Permission of the instructor and program directors; eligible students must have completed at least 18 credits in the major, have a 2.5 major GPA or higher, and have a 2.0 cumulative GPA or higher. Individualized practical training relevant to student's course of study at an approved worksite. Provides opportunities to work with professionals in the field and develop skills. Instructor and program directors must approve worksite and project. Grading is satisfactory/unsatisfactory.




As Needed