EDU 320 Content Area Reading

The development of reading ability is the acquisition of a series of literacy skills that is peculiar to each content area. Emphasis is placed on the theories of learning, instruction, and assessment, so that students understand why all teachers are teachers of reading. Careful assessment and evaluation of the needs and abilities of all students is presented within the course. This analysis allows pre-service teachers to learn how to differentiate instruction for PK-12 children, for enhanced student learning. Focus, within the course, will involve recognition of reading strategies to implement related to each content area in working with a diverse student population. Exploration of the developmental and instructional implications occurs as related to guiding and motivating student interest in the reading material, comprehension, vocabulary acquisition, and writing to learn activities as applied to content area reading. Areas of concentration include the International Literacy National Reading Panel’s recommendation on explicit instruction in vocabulary development and Ohio’s direction to include the Science of Reading Framework aligned to Ohio’s Plan to Raise Literacy Achievement is integrated into the course content. An emphasis on the learning targets of Ohio’s 12-Hour Reading and Literacy Core is also present within this course. (Field hours are required)




Additional course fee.