Campus Safety and Security

Campus Security Authority

Franciscan University of Steubenville contracts with Jefferson Security Services, Inc., a private security firm, to provide a campus Security Director as well as campus security officers. Uniformed security officers are present and patrol the campus 24 hours a day/7days a week, monitoring campus safety, controlling building access, and securing parking lots. These officers, while trained, are not sworn peace officers. Criminal offenses are reported to the local police depending on the nature and seriousness of the offense, and joint investigative efforts are deployed to handle these incidents. The University requires that all students, faculty, staff, and visitors cooperate with the security officers and be prepared to present student ID or proper identification upon request. The office of Campus Security is located in the community building in Assisi Heights.

Mr. R. Michael Conn, Director of Campus Security

(740) 283-6319


Annual Security Report

Franciscan University of Steubenville’s Annual Security and Fire Safety Report is published in compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (“Clery Act”). The report can be found by searching for security on the University’s website:

This report is prepared in cooperation with Security Services as well as the offices of Human Resources/Title IX and Student Life. These entities provide updated information on their policies, statistics, programs and educational efforts to comply with the Clery Act.

The University has a vested interest in campus security and the personal safety of all community members—students, employees and visitors alike. The Annual Security Report is a resource to the community, providing key educational, awareness, and prevention information. It provides critical information such as how and where to report a crime and how and where to report violations of the University’s Policy on Discrimination, Harassment and Sexual Misconduct, plus options and resources for victims.   This report also includes statistics for the previous three years concerning reported crimes that occurred on campus; in certain off-campus buildings or property owned or controlled by Franciscan University of Steubenville (including its Gaming, Austria campus) and on public property within, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from University property. Campus crime, arrest, and referral statistics include those reported to designated campus security officials as defined under the Clery Act and local law enforcement agencies.

Students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to use this report as a guide for safe practices on and off campus. Please contact the Security Office to obtain a paper copy of the Annual Security Report.

Reporting an Emergency or Crime

Reporting an Emergency or Crime

Prompt and accurate reporting of criminal offenses safeguards the campus community and aids in providing a timely response as well as timely warning notices to the community when appropriate. Prompt and accurate reporting also assists in compiling accurate campus crime statistics. Franciscan University community members and guests are encouraged to report all crimes, suspicious activity, and public safety-related incidents in an accurate and timely manner to University Security, local law enforcement authorities, or University employees who have been identified as Campus Security Authorities.

Emergency Contact

Dial 911- In any emergency situation, on or off campus, where there is risk to human life and/or personal safety, or when a crime is in progress, you are urged to Dial 911.

Dial 6911– Campus Security Dispatch is available 24 hours a day. Law enforcement, fire protection and emergency medical services can be dispatched from this location.

Emergency Assistance Call Boxes (located throughout campus) provide immediate connection to Campus Security Dispatch. Dispatch may also be reached in person at the Assisi Heights Community Center or through security guards patrolling campus. In response to a call, a security guard will be dispatched.

Non-Emergency Contacts

•     Campus Security


Campus Security officials will offer assistance in contacting local authorities and will cooperate with any criminal investigation that may result. As required, Campus Security will report information to other University officials for appropriate handling, investigation, and disposition.

•     Local Law Enforcement Authorities (Steubenville):

Emergency: 911


       Steubenville Police: 740-282-5353

       Jefferson County Sheriff: 740-283-8600

  • Campus Security Escorts

Students may request a campus security officer to provide a foot escort from a campus parking lot or building to another parking lot or building. Students should contact the Office of Campus Security at 740-283-6333 to request a campus security escort.



Statistical crime reporting required by the Clery Act does not include personally identifiable information. Personally identifiable information regarding victims of sexual assault and other forms of sexual violence, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, or other crimes will not be publicly released except where required by law or court order.  Personally identifiable student information is protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

Response to an Emergency or Crime

Response to an Emergency or Crime

When the alleged perpetrator(s) of a reported crime is identified as a student(s), the matter may be processed internally under the Code of Student Conduct and/or other applicable University policies. When the alleged perpetrator is an employee, the matter will be processed internally pursuant to the University’s human resources policies and/or other applicable University policies for faculty and staff. Internal disciplinary measures by the University are not intended to replace or interfere with action in the criminal justice system.

For internal reporting of and response to alleged violations of the University’s Policy on Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct, please see page 71.

Victims of crimes retain the legal right to pursue criminal charges with law enforcement officials in addition to any internal investigation or proceedings. The University will assist victims in notifying law enforcement authorities if the victim so chooses. Victims also have a right to decline notifying law enforcement authorities. Criminal investigation by local law enforcement officials, arrest, and prosecution can occur independently before, during, or after any applicable University processes or disciplinary actions for students or employees. Likewise, the University may pursue its own internal disciplinary measures independent of whether or not criminal charges are filed and/or whether or not they are successfully prosecuted in the criminal justice system.

Timely Warning

Franciscan University will issue a timely warning when it receives a report of a crime that represents a serious or on-going threat to the safety of members of the campus community. The University may also issue a warning to the campus community when other instances pose a safety concern. The University, in conjunction with various campus offices, will distribute timely warning announcements when there appears to be an ongoing threat to the safety and security of persons on campus for certain crimes. If the threat is sudden and serious, a warning will be issued immediately and will be continually updated until the threat is contained or neutralized. The warning contains sufficient information about the nature of the threat to allow members of the campus to take protective action. If a threat is less immediate, the warning will be fully developed and distributed after that point in time. Anyone with information regarding an ongoing or continuing threat should report the circumstances to the Campus Security at 740-283-6333 or 740-283-6911.

Victim names or any other information that might identify a victim are always withheld from timely warnings. In some cases, the University may need to keep some facts confidential to avoid compromising an ongoing investigation.

Normally, the warning will be issued through the University email system and/or as a voice message to all University VOIP phones using the Connect ED system. Students, staff, and faculty are automatically enrolled in the University’s Emergency Notification System for emergency and weather alerts unless you have notified the Registrar that you no longer wish to receive notifications at a particular phone number. If you have registered your cellphone number with Enrollment Services, you will also receive a text message via the Connect ED system. As may be required or advisable, mandatory meetings may be held or attempts to directly reach individuals may be made by University officials. Anyone with information regarding an ongoing or continuing threat should report the circumstances to the dispatch center at 740-283-6911. Information Technology Services (ITS) also posts warnings in the form of an emergency banner on the University's website. The campus community is urged to check the website for emergency alerts and updates as additional information is obtained.

Miscellaneous Policies, Resources, and Recommendations


For your safety, stay off all bridges. It is extremely dangerous and is considered criminal trespassing (fourth degree misdemeanor, punishable by up to 30 days in jail and up to $250 fine) to walk on the Veteran's Memorial Bridge or the railroad bridge south of the Veteran's Memorial Bridge. Students who walk on either of these bridges are in violation of University policy and may be subject to suspension from the University. Jumping from the bridges is not permitted. It is a violation of the Code of Student Conduct and may result in suspension or dismissal from the University.


A portion of the University campus borders steep cliffs. This area runs from Trinity Hall and extends northwest to the end of the University's grounds. This area is protected by fencing and caution signage. Under no circumstances should anyone venture beyond this fence.

Security Escort

Students may request a security guard to provide a foot escort from a campus parking lot or building to another parking lot or building. Students should contact the Security Office at 740-283-6333 to request a security escort.


Students are not permitted to have pets, other than qualified service or comfort/support animals, in the residence halls. Any pet brought to campus must be on a leash at all times. Pets are not permitted on the athletic fields. Stray animals should be reported to security immediately.

Walking Path

The walking path on the former golf course may only be used during daylight hours. Only walking or running on the path is permitted. No other use of the property is permitted including, but not limited to, camping, bonfires, ATVs, etc.


The General Laws of the State of Ohio prohibit the unauthorized possession of any firearm on the campus of any college or university. This prohibition includes the possession of a firearm by an individual who has a valid concealed weapon permit authorized by the State of Ohio unless the weapon is locked in an automobile or in the process of being locked in an automobile.

Additionally, the possession of BB guns and knives with over three-inch blades is not permitted on campus. Any student found in violation of these policies is subject to disciplinary action up to and including suspension or dismissal and may be in violation of state and federal laws.