Demonstration Guidelines

Elon University encourages open, on-going intellectual engagement and debate through civil, mutually respectful interactions that preserve the openness of public dialogue and debate. An environment that encourages diverse views and the free exchange of ideas is vital to the University, as expressed in the Mission Statement and the statement of Commitment to the Values of Freedom of Expression and Inclusivity. Therefore, the University ensures that members of the university community (students, faculty, and staff) may assemble peacefully, express their ideas freely, and demonstrate their concerns collectively by orderly means.

All forms of speech/protest must not interfere with the normal operations of the University and must adhere to all applicable University policies and laws.

The University requests that activities and events be registered to ensure safety and the orderly functioning of the University, but does not seek to censor or marginalize any group or point of view. When expressing their views, members of the university community must be clear that they are expressing their personal viewpoints and do not represent the views or positions of the University, may not use university logos, etc., and must assume responsibility for the consequences of their actions.

To provide a convenient and visible location for spontaneous, unregistered activism and civic engagement activities/programs on campus, an area in front of the Moseley Center (near the intersection of Koury Center and Moseley Center) is designated as a “Speakers’ Corner” for individual students, student groups, and members of the university community. Permissible activities at this location include displaying signboards with written opinions, speeches or handouts on a current issue, a memorial vigil, etc. These activities at Speakers’ Corner do not require registration so long as they do not involve persons outside the University community, do not employ sound amplification, and do not cause a safety hazard or damage to property.

The following additional guidelines apply to demonstrations by members of the university community:

  • Student demonstrations planned in advance may be registered through the Phoenix Connect Registration process: The registration of demonstrations will be expedited, and response will normally be within one to two business days. Space for demonstrations organized by faculty or staff may be reserved through Event and Space Management through 25Live or by contacting the office at 336-278-3868.
  • Members of the university community may hold demonstrations in any venue that can be reserved for events including, but not limited to, the Phi Beta Kappa Plaza, Lakeside Terrace, Medallion Plaza, McKinnon Hall, Chandler Fountain and Plaza, Citrone Plaza, or Scott Plaza.
  • Protests and demonstration areas established by the University in response to campus speakers, programs, or political events will be in reasonable proximity to the event.
  • When protests or demonstrations occur in the context of a speaker on campus, audience members may not behave in a way that infringes upon others’ ability to view or to comprehend the speaker. During the speech itself, prolonged or continued chanting or possible incitement of a disturbance intended to distract the speaker or disrupt the speech can, at the discretion of law enforcement or designated University officials, result in individuals being removed from the event.

Use of university space for a demonstration does not imply institutional endorsement of the viewpoints expressed.

For questions about these guidelines or organizing a demonstration, contact the Dean of Student Development.

Existing university policies that also apply to demonstrations include: Event and Space Management Policies and Procedures, Political Activities Guidelines, Solicitation, Fundraising, and Merchandising Policy, University Spaces


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