Process of Decision

  • Each year, the Chair of the Distinguished Scholar Award, will establish a Distinguished Scholar Selection Committee of at least five teaching faculty members to select the award recipient. The committee will consist of:
    • Two members from the Faculty Research and Development Committee, the Chair and Chair-Elect of the Distinguished Scholar Award Selection Committee;
    • At least two members appointed by the Chair of the Distinguished Scholar Award Selection Committee from outside its membership; and
    • At least the previous year’s recipient of the Distinguished Scholar Award (recipients from previous years may also assist in the selection process, unless they have recommended current nominees).
    • Whenever possible, the members of the Distinguished Scholar Award Selection Committee will be chosen to provide representation for the Schools of Business, Communications, Education, Health Sciences, Law, and the College of Arts and Sciences.
  • If there is no recipient in a particular year, the following year the Chair of the Faculty Research and Development Committee will serve in the place of the previous year’s recipient.
  • The Chair of Faculty Research and Development Committee will appoint as chair the committee member who has served on the Distinguished Scholar Award Committee the previous year.
  • The Chair of the Distinguished Scholar Award Selection Committee will report the committee's decision to the Provost or designee.
  • The Distinguished Scholar Award Selection Committee will select no more than one recipient per year.