Periclean Award for Civic Engagement and Social Responsibility



The Periclean Award for Civic Engagement and Social Responsibility is presented each year to a member of Elon's faculty or staff whose service to the broader community exemplifies the ideals of Project Pericles, a national initiative of the Eugene Lang Foundation, which advocates and supports the preparation of young women and men for socially responsible citizenship in a democratic society. Elon is one of ten colleges and universities nationwide to join Project Pericles, an initiative sponsored by the Eugene Lang Foundation, which challenges institutions to provide a learning experience that will “instill in students an abiding and active sense of social responsibility and civic concern.” This award recognizes a member of Elon University’s faculty or staff who has selflessly given time and talent to serve in the larger community.

Guidelines for Nomination

All full-time faculty and staff are eligible to make and receive nominations for the annual Periclean Award by submitting a letter explaining why the nominee is deserving of this award. The letter should cite specific examples of the nominee’s work which exemplify the Periclean ideals of civic engagement and social responsibility.  Nominations should be submitted to the Director of Project Pericles in April.

Process of Decision

The nominations are reviewed by a committee of faculty and staff assembled by the Director of Project Pericles. The committee includes at least one previous award recipient.

Nature of the Award

The recipient will be honored at the annual faculty-staff awards luncheon with a plaque and a cash award.