Overview of Procedures


This procedure applies to any complaints of violations of  University policy against discrimination or harassment  outside the scope of Title IX that is made against a University employee (including claims made by students). Claims of discrimination or harassment outside the scope of Title IX made against students will be addressed through the judicial process as identified in the Student Handbook. Claims of discrimination or harassment inside the scope of Title IX made against a University employee (including claims made by students) will be addressed through the Title IX process as identified in the Title IX and Sexual Misconduct Policy. 

While the University encourages informal resolution of complaints when possible, the grievant is not required to attempt the informal procedure prior to instigating the formal procedure. Moreover, the grievant retains the right to halt the informal procedure in favor of the formal process at any point in the process.

A member of the University community who wishes to make an official report of discrimination or harassment regarding a University employee may report the incident to any of the following people, who will refer the complaint to the Associate Director of Human Resources for Employee Relations (ADHRER) for follow-up: the ADHRER, the University’s Title IX Coordinator or Deputy Coordinator(s). Upon receipt of the complaint, the ADHRER will contact the grievant to determine which of the two processes below he or she wishes to initiate. In the event that the ADHRER is involved in the complaint, the Director of Human Resources will appoint a University official to carry out the duties of the ADHRER, as described below. Complaints of alleged policy violations by members of the President’s Senior Staff may follow the above stated channels, but may also be made to the President. Complaints of alleged policy violations by the President will be shared with the Chair of the University Board of Trustees.

If the complaint involves alleged criminal activity, for example sexual misconduct of a criminal nature, the matter may be reported to appropriate law enforcement authorities. Such complaints can be handled under this policy, through the criminal process alternatively, or under both processes.

The timelines for implementing the grievance procedures below are intended to allow for an expeditious and complete resolution of complaints. The University will make every reasonable effort to achieve resolution of complaints within these or shorter timeframes. However, during times when classes are not in session or at the end of an academic term, or depending on the ability of the University to conduct an effective investigation, timelines may be adjusted. The estimated timeframe for resolution of a complaint via the informal procedure is 30 calendar days from the report of an incident. The estimated timeframe for resolution of a complaint via the formal procedure is 90 calendar days or less from the time the ADHRER receives a written request to initiate the formal procedure. The estimated timeline for notification of the results of an appeal is 21 calendar days from the date the request for appeal is received by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. When the University cannot adhere to these estimated timelines, the grievant and accused will be notified and provided an anticipated completion date.