Informal Procedure


The goal of the informal procedure is to resolve concerns at the earliest stage possible, with the cooperation of all parties involved. Informal resolution may include inquiry into the facts, but typically does not include a formal investigation. Allegations involving sexual assault may not be addressed using the informal procedure. Informal procedures involving conduct within the scope of Title IX will be addressed through the Title IX process as identified in the Title IX and Sexual Misconduct Policy.

Upon receiving the initial report from the grievant, the ADHRER will notify the University employee’s supervisor(s) (if the accused is a faculty member, this will usually be the Chair of the employee’s department and the Dean of the employee’s school or college). In cases involving sex discrimination or sexual harassment, the University’s Title IX Coordinator or  Deputy Coordinator will also be notified. The ADHRER will then take appropriate steps to resolve the concern, which may include holding discussions (either separately or together) with the grievant, the accused, the accused’s supervisor, and appropriate University officials. If the ADHRER is involved in the complaint or is unavailable to complete the informal procedure, the Director of Human Resources will assume the role of the ADHRER or will assign another Elon staff member to do so.

If the matter is resolved informally to the satisfaction of all parties, the supervisor of the accused (and, in instances of sexual discrimination or harassment, the University’s Title IX Coordinator or  Title IX Deputy Coordinator as applicable, and in cases of disabilities discrimination, the 504 Officer), in consultation with the ADHRER, will maintain a record of the resolution.

If the matter cannot be resolved informally to the satisfaction of all parties, or the grievant chooses the formal process at any time, the grievant may initiate the formal procedure described below by notifying the ADHRER.