Tenure Track Appointments


As set forth in policies established by the Board of Trustees, Elon University seeks to appoint and maintain a full time permanent teaching faculty that is 85-90% tenured/tenure track.


Tenure track appointments are for full time teaching faculty in tenurable positions. Only full time faculty with tenure track appointments will be eligible for tenure. (see section on elon university’s process for hiring with tenure.

The doctorate, or highest degree in the discipline or field, will be a basic criterion for tenure. Exception to this standard may be made in unusual cases where work experiences and accomplishments in the discipline or field outweigh the terminal degree.

Faculty Load

On the 4-1-4 calendar, the standard load for tenure track appointments will be 24 semester hours.

Probationary Period

Tenure track appointments include a probationary period of four, five, or six years. During the probationary period these appointments are of a fixed term length, normally one academic year with no guarantee of reemployment. Following the probationary period and the tenure review process, the President may recommend tenured appointments to the Board of Trustees. The authority to grant tenure rests solely with the Board of Trustees. Those individuals not awarded tenure may be given one additional year of employment.

Faculty Development

Faculty members on tenure track appointments are eligible for travel funds and are eligible to compete for Faculty Research and Development funds.