Appointments for Faculty


The University offers the types of appointments described below, and summarized on the Specifications for Appointment chart.

Specifications for Appointment Categories
Categories of Appointment Minimum Degree Required Category of Position Type Standard load (per year) Length of appointment during probationary period Length of Probationary Period Eligible for Change in Status Eligible for Promotion Eligible for Travel Funds/ FR&D Funds
Tenured Doctorate* Permanent 24 Hours n/a n/a n/a To Professor Yes
Tenure Track Doctorate* Permanent 24 Hours 1 year 4, 5 or 6 years Tenure To Associate Professor  Yes
Continuing Doctorate* Permanent 24 Hours 1 year 4 years Continuance Decision To Associate Professor and to Professor Yes
Lecture Track Masters Permanent 26-28 Hours 1 year 4 years Continuance Decision To Senior Lecturer Yes
Visiting Appointment Masters Permanent 24 Hours Annually for up to 3 years (May be renewed annually for up to 3 additional years) n/a  May apply for Tenure Track, Continuing Track or Lecture Track, if available n/a Travel and FR&D non-sabbatical funds
Limited Term Masters Temporary 24 Hours Annually for up to 4 years total n/a  May apply for Tenure Track, Continuing Track or Lecture Track, if available n/a Travel funds at Dean’s discretion
Part-Time Meet SACS requirements Temporary n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Librarian ALA Accredited MLS or MSIS Permanent n/a 3 months 4 years Continuance Decision To Associate Librarian and to Senior Librarian n/a

*Or terminal degree in the field or unusual experiences/accomplishments