Policies and Procedures

  • The council has two standing co-chairs, the Director of Academic Initiatives for the Residential Campus and the Associate Director for Residential Education.
  • The chairs schedule council meetings at least twice per semester at a time convenient to council members, unless council business necessitates more frequent meetings.
  • The co-chairs when appropriate may create subcommittees of the Council. Members of any subcommittee will be nominated electronically. A simple majority of the Council is needed to have a quorum for the election of subcommittee members, with two-thirds of those voting required to carry the election of nominees.
  • The Chairs inform members of meetings at least one week in advance and provide a written agenda and a copy of the minutes of the previous meetings.
  • The Chairs preside at all meetings unless they appoint a proxy in their absence.
  • All decisions on council business will be made through normal parliamentary procedure and a majority vote of the members present.
  • The co-chairs of the Council will share information pertaining to the Council's goals and activities each year with the Residential Campus Advisory Committee.