Faculty Instructional Responsibilities

Faculty Attendance Related to Instruction


Full-time members of the teaching faculty are required to report to campus one week before the opening of each term, and remain until one week after commencement. They are expected to use the time in professional improvement and preparation, or assisting with registration and student orientation and counseling.

Use of Class Periods


All class periods in both day and evening classes, including those immediately preceding holidays and vacations, should be used in their entirety for instruction purposes. Early dismissal of classes disturbs others.

If for some reason a faculty member must be absent from a class, change the time or place of a class, and/or cancel the class for one day in the event of an emergency, he/she should inform the Department Chair and the Dean of the absence and of provisions made for the class.

Classroom Responsibilities


Classroom assignments are made by the Registrar’s Office. Classroom changes are not to be made without approval from that office.

Faculty members should report any physical classroom needs to the building coordinator without delay.

Faculty members should enforce the University policy on smoking. Smoking is not permitted in the classroom at any time by either faculty members or students. Eating and drinking in classrooms are also prohibited.

Faculty members should maintain a complete and accurate record of the grades students earned (including tests, papers, field work, and final grade) in each course and, if requested, submit these records to the Chair, Dean or Provost/Executive Vice President.

Teaching Faculty Office Hours


Elon encourages teaching and learning, close student-faculty mentor relationships, and a robust intellectual climate that extend beyond the classroom experience. Office hours help support these values. Each full-time teaching faculty member is expected to be available on the residential campus at least three days per week, with hours distributed so that students may be able to make convenient appointments. Faculty should make themselves available in their offices for some portion of each week, though they may also elect to meet students elsewhere or through virtual means if an in-person meeting is not logistically workable. An office hour policy is not meant to relegate student-faculty interaction to only the classroom and faculty office, but to encourage ongoing, out-of-class interactions that extend the teaching and learning and enhance the intellectual climate of the campus.



Advising Students


Considered a part of teaching responsibilities, academic advising is an intentional educational process of guiding students to become responsible authors of their own educations. Such teaching encompasses more than just choosing courses. Examples of effective advising behaviors are not limited to the following but may include:

 a.) Challenging students to clarify goals, explore interests, and seek new learning opportunities   that they might not discover on their own

 b.) Being accessible to students

 c.) Knowing and sharing pertinent institutional policies, procedures, programs of study, and referral sources

 d.) Expecting students to become familiar with degree planning resources for productive advising conversations

 e.) Demonstrating concern for a student's well-being

 f.) Serving as sounding boards for students as they navigate the complexities of responsibly managing curricular, co-curricular, and extracurricular endeavors over time

 g.) Listening to students' aspirations while simultaneously helping students to consider major and core curriculum requirements in order to foster students' critical evaluation of their educational plans

Ultimately, the advising relationship sets an expectation that students will become engaged learners and, over time, supports students in developing a mindset for life-long learning.

Collection Policy


Students are not permitted to take final examinations unless their accounts are cleared in the Bursar’s Office. This is a policy statement by the Board of Trustees. Students who do not pay their accounts or make satisfactory arrangements may be disenrolled from class by a memo from the Bursar’s Office at the request of the Business Office. Faculty cooperation in this matter is necessary.