Handbook Introduction

This Faculty Handbook was first published September 11, 1978

  • The information in this document serves as a guide and reference to faculty members. It is not a contract but rather a statement of practices followed at Elon University.
The approval processes for items in this document are as follows:
  • Bylaws: Changes to the faculty bylaws are discussed and voted upon at Faculty Meetings prior to submission to the president and Board of Trustees for final approval. Exceptions to the process are made for minor editorial changes which can be approved by Academic Council alone.
  • Non-Bylaws Sections: Changes to non-bylaws sections are approved by the Academic Council.
Information in the Faculty Handbook is updated by the Office of the Provost/Executive Vice President. Contents are revised throughout each academic year when the revisions are scheduled to take effect. The Faculty Handbook is archived annually on August 1.

Foreword from President Lambert

Whether you participate in the governance of the University as a member of the faculty, staff, administration, student body, or Board of Trustees, what unites us is a vision of Elon University in which the quality of student learning experiences and the overall learning environment of the University are our central focus. Elon has a strong tradition of effective communication about the major issues facing the institution in any given year. The open dialogue and collegial spirit that we have fostered at Elon have directly impacted the University’s rapid ascent on the higher education scene.

The Elon University Faculty Handbook contains policies and procedures for teaching faculty, administrative staff with faculty rank, and staff with faculty rank. Many members of the University community have assisted in editing this volume, and it is our hope that readers will find the Faculty Handbook a useful guide. Questions and suggestions are welcome and should be addressed to the Office of the Provost/Executive Vice President, 2200 Campus Box, jdawson9@elon.edu, or extension 6647.

Leo M. Lambert President