2016-17 Catalog and Student Handbook - Summer Addendum
2016-17 Catalog and Student Handbook - Summer Addendum / Programs of Study
Accounting, Associate of Applied Science AC13
Accounting, Diploma AC12
Advanced Emergency Medical Technician (EMH1)
Advanced Shielded Metal Arc Welder, Certificate - OSM1
Air Conditioning Repair Specialist, Certificate - ACY1
Air Conditioning Technician Assistant, Certificate - AZ31
Air Conditioning Technology, Diploma - ACT2
Applied Technical Management, Associate of Applied Science, AS33
Associate Degree Nursing (LPN-ADN Students)
Automotive Chassis Technician Specialist, Certificate - ASG1
Automotive Climate Control Technician, Certificate - AH21
Automotive Collision Repair Assistant I, Certificate - AB51
Automotive Collision Repair, Diploma –ACR2
Automotive Electrical/Electronic Systems Technician, Certificate - AE41
Automotive Engine Performance Technician, Certificate - AE51
Automotive Engine Repair Technician, Certificate- AE61
Automotive Fundamentals, Diploma - AF12
Automotive Refinishing Assistant I, Certificate – ARA1
Automotive Refinishing Assistant II, Certificate - AP71
Automotive Technology, Associate of Applied Sciences - AT23
Automotive Technology, Diploma - AT14
Automotive Transmission/Transaxle Tech Specialist, Certificate - AA71
Basic Machinist, Certificate - BM31
Basic Shielded Metal Arc Welder, Certificate - FS31
Biology, Associate of Science, AFS3
Business Management, Associate of Applied Science MD13
Business Management, Diploma MD12
Business Technology, Associate of Applied Science BA23
Business Technology Diploma BA22
Cabinetmaking Assembly Technician, Certificate - CA11
Cabinetmaking Installation Technician, Certificate - CI11
Central Sterile Supply Processing Technician, Certificate CSB1
Certified Construction Worker, Certificate - CCW1
Certified Customer Service Specialist, Certificate CC81
Certified Life and Health Insurance Specialist, Certificate CL11
Certified Manufacturing, Certificate – CM51
Certified Microsoft Office Specialist, Certificate CM61
Certified Personal Trainer, Technical Certificate of Credit CP31
Child Development Specialist, Certificate CD61
CNC Technology, Diploma - CT12
Computer Forensic and Investigation Specialist CF31
Computer Support Specialist, Associate Applied Science CS23
Computer Support Specialist, Diploma CS14
Cabinetmaking, Diploma - CA12
Cosmetology, Diploma - CO12
Criminal Justice Fundamentals, Certificate CJ71
Criminal Justice Technology, Associate of Applied Science CJT3
Culinary Arts, Degree - CA43
Culinary Arts, Diploma - CA44
Dental Assisting, Diploma - DA12
Dental Hygiene, Associate of Applied Science- DH13
Diagnostic Medical Sonography, Associate of Applied Science - DMS3
Drafter’s Assistant, Certificate - DA31
Drafting Technology, Associate of Applied Science - DT13
Drafting Technology, Diploma - DT12
Early Childhood Care and Education, Associate of Applied Science EC13
Early Childhood Care and Education, Diploma ECC2
Early College Essentials -Certificate -EC21
Emergency Medical Responder (EB71)
Emergency Medical Technician (EMJ1)
EMS Professions, diploma (EP12)
Engineering Technology, Associate of Applied Science ET33
Esthetician, Certificate - CE11
Framing Carpenter, Certificate - FC71
Gas Metal Arc Welder, Certificate - GM31
General Studies, Associate of Science GS13
Health Care Assistant, Technical Certificate of Credit HA21
Healthcare Science, Technical Certificate of Credit HS21
Health Science, Associate of Science AD23
Human Resource Management, Associate of Applied Science HR13
Industrial Construction I, Certificate - IC11
Industrial Electrician, Certificate - IE41
Industrial Motor Control Technician, Certificate - IM41
Industrial Systems Technology, Associate of Applied Science - IS13
Industrial Systems Technology, Diploma - IST4
Machine Tool Technology, Diploma - MTT2
Major Appliance Technology, Diploma - MAT4
Medical Assisting, Diploma MA22
Medical Coding Specialist Certificate MC41
Medical Front Office Assistant, Technical Certificate of Credit MF21
Nail Technician, Certificate - NT11
Networking Specialist, Associate of Applied Science NS14
Networking Specialist, Diploma NS14
Nurse Aide, Technical Certificate of Credit CN21
Nursing (RN), Associate Degree Nursing (NU23)
Paralegal Studies, Associate of Applied Science PS13
Paramedicine-Associate of Applied Science (PT13)
Paramedicine Diploma - PT12
Payroll Accounting Specialist PA61
Pharmacy Technology, Associate of Applied Science - PT23
Pharmacy Technology, Diploma- PT22
Phlebotomy Technician, Technical Certificate of Credit PT21
Practical Nursing, Diploma PN12
Radiologic Technology, Associate of Applied Sciences- RT23
Residential Care Attendant, Technical Certificate of Credit RC21
Carpentry (Residential Carpentry), Diploma - RC12
Respiratory Care, Associate of Applied Science Degree RCT3
Service Sector Management SSM1
Shampoo Technician, Certificate - ST11
Site Layouts/Footings/Foundations, Certificate - SL11
Sports and Fitness Management, Associate of Applied Science Degree SAF3
Surgical Technology, Associate of Applied Science Degree ST13
Technical Specialist, Certificate - TC31
Technical Studies, Associate of Applied Science, TS23
Welding and Joining Technology, Diploma -WAJ2