2016-17 Catalog and Student Handbook - Summer Addendum
2016-17 Catalog and Student Handbook - Summer Addendum / Division of Professional and Technical Services
Advanced Shielded Metal Arc Welder, Certificate - OSM1
Air Conditioning Technology, Diploma - ACT2
Air Conditioning Repair Specialist, Certificate - ACY1
Air Conditioning Technician Assistant, Certificate - AZ31
Automotive Collision Repair, Diploma –ACR2
Automotive Collision Repair Assistant I, Certificate - AB51
Automotive Refinishing Assistant I, Certificate – ARA1
Automotive Refinishing Assistant II, Certificate - AP71
Automotive Technology, Associate of Applied Sciences - AT23
Automotive Fundamentals, Diploma - AF12
Automotive Technology, Diploma - AT14
Automotive Electrical/Electronic Systems Technician, Certificate - AE41
Automotive Climate Control Technician, Certificate - AH21
Automotive Transmission/Transaxle Tech Specialist, Certificate - AA71
Automotive Chassis Technician Specialist, Certificate - ASG1
Automotive Engine Performance Technician, Certificate - AE51
Automotive Engine Repair Technician, Certificate- AE61
Basic Machinist, Certificate - BM31
Basic Shielded Metal Arc Welder, Certificate - FS31
Cabinetmaking Assembly Technician, Certificate - CA11
Cabinetmaking, Diploma - CA12
Cabinetmaking Installation Technician, Certificate - CI11
Carpentry (Residential Carpentry), Diploma - RC12
Certified Construction Worker, Certificate - CCW1
Certified Manufacturing, Certificate – CM51
CNC Technology, Diploma - CT12
Cosmetology, Diploma - CO12
Culinary Arts, Degree - CA43
Culinary Arts, Diploma - CA44
Esthetician, Certificate - CE11
Drafter’s Assistant, Certificate - DA31
Drafting Technology, Associate of Applied Science - DT13
Drafting Technology, Diploma - DT12
Engineering Technology, Associate of Applied Science ET33
Framing Carpenter, Certificate - FC71
Gas Metal Arc Welder, Certificate - GM31
Industrial Construction I, Certificate - IC11
Industrial Electrician, Certificate - IE41
Industrial Motor Control Technician, Certificate - IM41
Industrial Systems Technology, Associate of Applied Science - IS13
Industrial Systems Technology, Diploma - IST4
Machine Tool Technology, Diploma - MTT2
Major Appliance Technology, Diploma - MAT4
Nail Technician, Certificate - NT11
Shampoo Technician, Certificate - ST11
Site Layouts/Footings/Foundations, Certificate - SL11
Welding and Joining Technology, Diploma -WAJ2