Master of Science in Nutrition and Clinical Health Psychology

The MSN/CHP was developed to respond to the need for an integrated program that provides opportunities to ultimately obtain licensure as a mental health counselor and to practice as a certified nutritionist within that scope of practice specified in the state of Washington. Students planning to practice in other states will need to determine whether the program meets the requirements for licensure in that state, as state scope of practice and licensing requirements vary. This three-year graduate program provides interdisciplinary education in nutrition and clinical health psychology for students who want a fully integrated mind-body approach to human health.

 Student Learning Outcomes

 Upon completion of this program, students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate a solid theoretical foundation in counseling and health psychology.
  • Provide culturally appropriate nutrition and mental health assessment and individualized intervention strategies.
  • Effectively utilize a breadth of counseling and health behavior change skills for individuals and groups.
  • Develop the capacity for receiving and integrating feedback, ongoing self-reflection, continuous professional learning and self-care.
  • Display ethical and professional behaviors in all aspects of counseling practice, case management and interdisciplinary collaboration of care.


For general information on the admissions process, refer to the Admissions section in this catalog. Information below refers only to the MSN/CHP program.


Entering students must have a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited college/university with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 in their undergraduate degree. Priority consideration will be given to applicants with a 3.0 GPA in nutrition prerequisites, a 3.25 cumulative GPA in all prerequisites and a 3.25 cumulative GPA in science prerequisites, with a B or better in Human Physiology, Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry and Microbiology. Exceptional candidates who do not meet these priority standards will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

Human Physiology (upper level)1 1 course
Chemistry (science-major level with lab) (must include at least one organic chemistry course) 3 courses
Biochemistry2 1 course
Introductory Nutrition3 1 course
Abnormal Psychology 1 course
Developmental Psychology 1 course
College Algebra or Precalculus
1 course
Microbiology 1 course

1A full anatomy and physiology series will meet the physiology prerequisite requirements.

2The biochemistry course must be upper-level and must cover intermediary metabolism.

3The nutrition course must include macro- and micronutrients, lifecycle, and physical activity.

Note: Science and psychology courses must have been taken within seven years of program start.

Admission to Clinical Training

In order to enroll in the Clinic Shift series, students must have successfully completed all prerequisites, based on the clinic track outlined below and under course descriptions for Clinic Nutrition Practicum, and must have met the criteria for professional behavior and attitudes. Students are also required to pass a national criminal background check (see "Felony Disclosure and Background Checks" in the Academic Policy and Procedure Manual for more information) and must show proof of completion of the clinic entry checklist prior to the first scheduled clinic shift.

Graduation Requirements

MSN/CHP students must complete a minimum of 118 credits and must have a minimum 3.0 GPA with a minimum of 79 credits in residence. MSN/CHP students must complete their degree within six years following matriculation into the program. A graduation requirement of the MSN/CHP program is that students must complete 600 hours of supervised counseling (including hours in counseling classes at BCNH and its satellites and external practicum sites), of which 100 hours need to be in nutrition counseling.

In addition to the didactic and clinical experience, MSN/CHP students are required to complete 10 hours of individual counseling or therapy sessions during the first year of the program and before their first counseling shift at BCNH. Documentation of these hours is required.

Exit Exam

Successful completion of a clinical competency exit examination is a requirement for students in the third year of the MSN/CHP. This examination tests the minimal knowledge and skills required to perform nutritional and mental health counseling with diverse clients. The examination does not cover the whole curriculum and cannot substitute for any part of regular course requirements. Students are eligible to take the exit exam if they are in good academic standing; have completed or are concurrently registered for all required (non-elective) courses by the end of the term in which the exam is scheduled; and are making satisfactory progress in the practicum.

Expected Competencies

Students are required to maintain a 3.0 GPA in their graduate coursework. Bastyr graduates are qualified to provide exceptional counseling services to individuals and institutions and contribute positively to the nutritional and mental health education of the community.

Students are expected to stay on track with the counseling curriculum. Students who wish to go off track must have permission from the director of clinical training.

The curriculum tables that follow list the tentative schedule of courses each quarter.

Year I


BC5118Disease Processes 1


PS5301Fundamentals of Counseling: Basic Skills


TR5120Advanced Nutrition: Macronutrients


TR5136Nutrition in the Life Cycle


TR5104Research Methods in Health Sciences


Total Credit Hours:17

TR5136: hybrid online course


BC5132Disease Processes 2


PS5113Theories of Counseling and Psychotherapy


TR5124Advanced Nutrition: Micronutrients


TR5320Nutrition Assessment and Therapy 1


TR5101Whole Foods Production


Total Credit Hours:18




PS6315Counseling Adults 1: Assessment and Treatment


TR5140Advanced Nutrition: Bioactive Compounds in Foods


TR5321Nutrition Assessment and Therapy 2


TR5803Nutrition Clinic Entry


Total Credit Hours:15

Year II


PS5110Fundamentals of Counseling: Group Dynamics


PS7801Clinic Shift 1: Nutrition/Clinical Health Psychology


PS6310Nutrition and Pharmacology in Mental Health


TR5115Food Science


TR6111Contemporary Nutrition: Global and Ecological Issues


Total Credit Hours:15


PS5115Fundamentals of Counseling: Systems, Families, Couples


PS6105Diversity and Multicultural Issues in Health Psychology


PS7802Clinic Shift 2: Nutrition/Clinical Health Psychology


TR6100Nutritional Supplementation


Total Credit Hours:13


PS6130Psychological Testing


PS6323Assessment and Treatment of Children/Adolescents in Health Psych


PS7105Alcohol and Substance Abuse


PS7803Clinic Shift 3: Nutrition/Clinical Health Psychology




Total Credit Hours:14

Year III


PS6317Counseling Adults 2: Assessment and Treatment


PS7101Professional, Ethical and Legal Issues in Psychology


PS7805MSN/CHP Practicum 1


PS7811Practicum Seminar 1: Nutrition/Clinical Health Psychology


Total Credit Hours:9


PS6207Counseling for Eating Disorders


PS7806MSN/CHP Practicum 2


PS7812Practicum Seminar 2: Nutrition/Clinical Health Psychology


PS7115Developing and Evaluating Counseling Programs


Total Credit Hours:8


PS7103Mind-Body Techniques for Stress Reduction


PS7129Career Counseling


PS7807MSN/CHP Practicum 3


PS7813Practicum Seminar 3: Nutrition/Clinical Health Psychology


Clinical Competency Exam


Total Credit Hours:9

Total Requirements

Total Core Course Credits & Hours 103
Clinic/Practicum Totals   15
Total Requirements  118

Curriculum and course changes in the 2015-2016 Bastyr University Catalog are applicable to students entering during the 2015-2016 academic year. Please refer to the appropriate catalog if interested in curriculum and courses required for any other entering year.