Board of Trustees

Samuel L. Anderson, JD

Northwestern School of Law

Lewis and Clark College


Margaret Brevoort

University of Connecticut



Carrie Louise Daenell, ND

Bastyr University

Jon Flora, BA

Whitworth College

Gregory J. Goode, MA

Indiana State University

David Lang, BBA

Stephen F. Austin State University

(Vice Chair)

Mark R. Martzen, PhD

University of South Dakota

(Faculty Representative)

Steven G. Olswang, JD, PhD

University of Illinois

University of Washington

Harlan Patterson, MBA

University of Washington

The Honorable Eric Pettigrew, MSW

University of Washington

Charles Powell, PhD

University of Missouri

(University President)

The Honorable Paull Shin, PhD, Trustee Emeritus

University of Washington

The Honorable Ron Sims, BA

Central Washington University