Undergraduate Degree Programs

For the undergraduate degree programs, a student must maintain a 2.0 cumulative GPA in order to remain in good standing. Undergraduate students in the Department of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine must maintain a 2.5 GPA in their first year and a 3.0 GPA in their second year. Any required course in which a student receives a grade of F must be repeated.

The letter grading system for acupuncture and Oriental medicine,* nutrition, exercise science, herbal sciences, integrated human biology and health psychology undergraduate programs is as follows:

A 95 percent-100 percent or 4.0
A- 90 percent-94.9 percent or 3.7
B+ 87 percent-89.9 percent or 3.3
B 83 percent-86.9 percent or 3.0
B- 80 percent-82.9 percent or 2.7
C+ 77 percent-79.9 percent or 2.3
C 73 percent-76.9 percent or 2.0
C-* 70 percent-72.9 percent or 1.7
D+* 67 percent-69.9 percent or 1.3
D* 63 percent-66.9 percent or 1.0
D-* 60 percent-62.9 percent or 0.7
F Below 60 percent or 0.0

AC Achieved Competency – for clinic shifts, preceptorships, community practicum, outreach and practical courses
PC Partial Competency – for clinic shifts, preceptorships, community practicum, outreach and practical courses
I Incomplete – personal emergency or serious illness
W Withdrawn – Withdrawal form must be completed, signed and filed in the registrar’s office at least three weeks before the end of a given quarter. The W grade is transcripted for all course withdrawals after the first week of the quarter (with the exception of courses that have not yet met).
AW Administrative Withdrawal
IP In Progress – for didactic courses, clinic shifts, preceptorships, community practicum, outreach, clinic preparation, clinic entry, senior year projects and practical courses
N No Grade
CE Challenge Examination
NS No Show
AU Audit
WV Waived

For explanation of grading terms, see above.

*It should be noted that while a C-, D+, D and D- grades are passing, some courses require a C grade for professional standards.