2015-2016 Undergraduate General Catalog
2015-2016 Undergraduate General Catalog » Courses » ACCT - Accounting » 300
A study of the unique accounting standards applicable to non-profit entities, including state and local governments. Topics covered include fund accounting, the appropriation process and program budgeting.
A review of the basic financial statements, the development of accounting principles and procedures relating to cash, receivables, inventories, tangible assets and liabilities, and principles of annuities.
Corporation accounting and earnings per share, accounting for equity transactions, long term liabilities, pensions, and taxes.
A study of the federal tax system, tax accounting, taxable income and deductions, sales and exchanges, with an emphasis on the effects on an individual tax return.
A study of tax accounting for partnerships, corporations, and trusts, with an emphasis on corporation tax accounting problems.
Elements of production cost according to three recognized cost systems: (1)Job cost;(2)Process cost; and (3)Standard cost. Topics include activity based costing, cost allocations, and variance analysis.
Partnership and corporate problems involving consignments, installments, liquidations, consolidations, estates, agencies, and branches.
Procedures and standards of public accountants. Emphasis on auditor's working papers and submission of audit statements.
Introduction of moral development theories and models of moral decision making and application of these models in management decision making through case studies.
Special Topics in Accounting.
This course is intended to provide the student with the opportunity to pursue elective independent study. This course is not a "W" course and it may not be used to fulfill the departmental requirements for graduation.